Hi, I love the plogger gallery and have it up and running for some weeks now. However, I want to put the title of the last added picture on my homepage of my website. Something like : ´Last added picture : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - (date)´
For this to use it would be nice if i could use the rss system.
How can I get the last image title out of the (or adjusted) rss creator ?
I would suggest waiting for Beta 3. It's got a function to display or otherwise recall the last pictures added. It would be markedly simple to apply to your needs.
You can download a preview at dev.plogger.org, but is unsupported and not guaranteed to be stable. If that freaks you out, Beta 3 should be released within a month or two, though Mike and Anti could give you a better idea.
Ok, got it working with an other available (dutch) PHP script:
<?php /* ====================================================================== lastRSS usage DEMO 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This example shows, how to - create lastRSS object - set transparent cache - get RSS file from URL - access and show fields of the result ====================================================================== */
// include lastRSS include "./lastRSS.php";
// Create lastRSS object $rss = new lastRSS;
// Set cache dir and cache time limit (1200 seconds) // (don't forget to chmod cahce dir to 777 to allow writing) $rss->cache_dir = './temp'; $rss->cache_time = 1200;
// Try to load and parse RSS file if ($rs = $rss->get('http://foto.aadvanboven.nl/plog-rss.php?level=&id=0')) { // Show website logo (if presented) if ($rs[image_url] != '') { echo "<a href="$rs[image_link]"><img src="$rs[image_url]" alt="$rs[image_title]" vspace="1" border="0" /></a><br />n"; }
// Show last published articles (title, link, description)
} else { echo "...helaas niet beschikbaar. n"; } ?>
The Plogger RSS-feed generator is very slow... It can take op to 20 seconds for the server to generate the xml-code. And the server is not a small one...
Avboven, note that the thumbnails are only generated the first time the RSS feed is requested. Subsequent requests for the feed will use the cached images.
Hi Mike, unfortunately, that is not the case. With every RSS request the thumbnails are generated again. I have checked and see a the creation time of the thumbnails being the last request time of the RSS-feed.