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    • CommentAuthortristan
    • CommentTimeDec 2nd 2005 edited
    Hi, has anyone got plogger to work in iis / windows? i am all set to go with php5 and gd activated, mysql 5 etc.

    On intstall plogger fails to write to the DB, errors, and then after trying to login i get

    Could not run query SELECT * FROM plogger_config WHERE 1.Table 'plogger.plogger_config' doesn't exist

    would love to use plogger... any ideas?

    This seems to be the same issue as:

    I dont understand where to change the values though.
    • CommentAuthortristan
    • CommentTimeDec 2nd 2005
    When i do a fresh install, I get this error after running _install.php

    Invalid default value for 'compression'

    CREATE TABLE `plogger_config` ( `max_thumbnail_size` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `max_display_size` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `thumb_num` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `admin_username` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '', `admin_password` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '', `admin_email` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '', `date_format` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '', `compression` int(11) NOT NULL default '', `default_sortby` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '', `default_sortdir` varchar(5) NOT NULL default '', `gallery_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `allow_dl` smallint(1) NOT NULL default '0', `allow_comments` smallint(1) NOT NULL default '1', `allow_print` smallint(1) NOT NULL default '1', `truncate` int(11) NOT NULL default '12', `square_thumbs` tinyint default 1, `feed_num_entries` int(15) NOT NULL default '15', `rss_thumbsize` int(11) NOT NULL default '400', `feed_title` text NOT NULL, `use_mod_rewrite` tinyint NOT NULL default '0', `comments_notify` tinyint NOT NULL default '1', `feed_language` varchar(255) NOT NULL default 'en-us' ) Type=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARACTER SET UTF8

    this seems to be the root of the problem, any ideas?
    • CommentAuthorddejong
    • CommentTimeDec 2nd 2005
    Look in _install.php. However, be sure to drop the existing tables before you reinstall.

    • CommentAuthortristan
    • CommentTimeDec 3rd 2005
    Hi Derek,

    Sorry i don't understand, I am not proffeciant at PHP. i should look in _install.php for what, and change the value to what?