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    • CommentAuthorTonedef
    • CommentTimeApr 18th 2009

    I recently installed plogger on my server but Im not
    able to see the pics when I upload them manually.

    When I upload manually I get just a blank page.
    the page is the admin/plog-upload.php

    This is the front of the site

    There is a small square that i see which if I click on
    it I go to another blank page then if clicked on again
    I the following message:
    Warning: getimagesize(/home/breascom/public_html/ [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/breascom/public_html/ on line 1925

    If i click on the square one more time im then taken
    to the image I uploaded.

    Its the same if I import.

    Can you help me please?
