General Question: The whole SVN version vs. the 1.0b3 version thing confuses me. Am I correct as this is my understanding: The 1.0b3 version is the latest "approved, stable" version, but there are SVN versions available that are newer and have bug fixes and new features? Is that about it?
Technical Question: I have 1.0b3 installed. I downloaded SVN version 594. Reading the readme it says just to Upload and overwrite ALL FILES except for I assume that means I should just copy the new files over. However, where I am unsure of is, the SVN version has new/different folders like plog-admin, plog-content, and plog-includes. Do I copy these folders over as well, just to my /var/www/ploggerb3 (or wherever its installed)? Is the plog-admin folder meant to overwrite the admin folder? If so, do I need to merge the contents of these folders under just the plog-admin, deleting the admin? Or do I have both admin and plog-admin?
You are correct about the SVN vs. 1.0b3, beta 3 is the latest stable release and SVN is the cutting edge of the code (and at this point is quite stable, but at other points in the future may or may not be as enhancements are added and new bugs possibly arise).
Regarding upgrade, yes, you just copy the new files into the old installation location. Just be careful if you are using the Cruft-free URL option to not save over your .htaccess file. Some files will be overwritten and others will not (since the paths have changed). Then, you just need to run the plog-admin/_upgrade.php file and it will run you through the upgrade steps including updating the database, moving your images to the new structure, and attempting to delete the unused files from the previous version. Also, if you have a modified theme file, you will need to move that to the new directory structure (there is a step in the upgrade process to remind you to do this as well).
I would recommend backing up your database and your structure as well, just in case there is an issue during the upgrade. It has been thoroughly tested on multiple systems and on galleries with thousands of images, so you shouldn't have any issues, but there's always a chance that the something on your system causes issues during the upgrade or the system could freeze up due to something else, etc. Who knows. It's just good practice to be safe, but it should be very very stable for the upgrade process.
Thanks, There's no .htaccess file in the SVN upgrade files so no worry about overwriting that. I would like a directory as clean as possible, but I don't know which files would be considered unused after the upgrade. It looks like, after an upgrade, the plogger directory would contain these files: Can you tell me which ones would be unused after the upgrade?
Run the upgrade and the upgrade script will attempt to delete the files / folders for you. If it can't, it will let you know which files are no longer being used and prompt you to delete them manually.