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    • CommentAuthora2plogger
    • CommentTimeApr 13th 2009
    Hi friends and admin,

    I have installed plogger b3 into my main domain (
    My all collections coming under one collection ( I'm having all of my albums under this "galleries" collection.

    Now i want to install wordpress at my main domain(
    I just want to load wordpress at main level and "plogger at"

    I have tried that, after completion of wordpress installation at main level, the plogger gallery "plogger at" was not loading, Im just getting wordpress 404 page,

    How solve this,How to install wordpress and Plogger into same directory or same domain ?????????

    Please help
    • CommentAuthora2plogger
    • CommentTimeApr 14th 2009
    Hi sidtheduck, Please help. Please reply
    • CommentTimeApr 14th 2009
    I'm guessing you're running into issues with both of the scripts wanting to use SEO friendly URLs, so they are both writing mod_rewrite rules in your .htaccess file that are conflicting with each other. You can install Plogger in a subdirectory and use it that way for sure, or you can try to manually check your .htaccess mod_rewrite rules to make sure they play nice together between the Wordpress and the Plogger rules.
    • CommentAuthora2plogger
    • CommentTimeApr 15th 2009
    well, thanks for your reply.

    Is there anyway top move plogger gallery from main level to sub directory. I want to do that. Please help.
    Please provide if you have any steps to do that.
    • CommentAuthora2plogger
    • CommentTimeApr 15th 2009
    anyone please help me out ??? How to move plogger gallery from main domain o sub directory ?????
    • CommentTimeApr 15th 2009

    You should be able to just move the files into the subfolder and then update the Gallery URL in the Admin -> Options tab to point to the new subfolder.