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    • CommentAuthorglowy
    • CommentTimeApr 13th 2009

    After installing plogger on my server and before uploading photos to my gallery, I would like to include a login form to restrict access to some users. One user with one password would be okay, that user should be the only person being confirmed to see the albums in the gallery. Is there a possibility to make this work? The server runs Apache (PHP and MySQL 5).

    Thanks for your ideas.

    • CommentAuthornimrod_767
    • CommentTimeApr 14th 2009

    No, as far as I know the Plogger is not supporting a multiple users with login functionality. As an admin you are able to login and do the administration but the frontend is open for everybody. If the user login in should also be able to do the admin the current version of Plogger should be ok for you but if you would like one user to do the admin (backend) and one other to be able to view (fronend) this version is not suitable for you. I have more or less the same need as you and I'm currently trying to integrate a user login system and Plogger which will enable an user to do the admin (backend), view galleries from other users and guests to view all galleries. This is although a couple of month away before a beta-release, although it looks promising.

    Good luck!
