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    • CommentAuthorHennu
    • CommentTimeMar 14th 2009 edited
    I made some radical changes to the original lucid theme and now i have my own version of it.
    Sample gallery can be found here: (not any more)

    Basically it is a lot more cleaner and also now it is simple, list of things I did can be found below:

    ## ##
    ## ##
    ## Lucid v. 0.2 ##
    ## ##
    ## ##
    ## List of Removed things: ##
    ## ##
    ## - Removed Jump to menu ##
    ## - Removed Search box ##
    ## - Removed picutre name from the navigation ##
    ## and replaced it with album name and link ##
    ## - Removed picture name next to the normal ##
    ## picture ##
    ## - Removed date ##
    ## - Removed multible gray lines ##
    ## ##
    ## List of Changed things: ##
    ## ##
    ## - Changed footer text and moved it ##
    ## under the line ##
    ## - Changed thumbnail spaces hight/width ##
    ## - Changed the position of Next and ##
    ## Previous buttons ##
    ## - Changed the positon of slideshow link ##
    ## - Changed collection and album pictures ##
    ## now 2 pictures are in 1 line ##
    ## - Changed the gallery's width ##
    ## ##
    ## List of Added things: ##
    ## ##
    ## - Added my own slideshow icons ##
    ## - Added index link to gallery name ##
    ## - Added banner backgroundpicture ##
    ## - Added automatic thumbnail change with ##
    ## help from < sidtheduck > ##
    ## ##
    ## My recommendations: ##
    ## ##
    ## - Turn off picture comments ##
    ## - Change thumbnail width to 120px ##
    ## - Change normal picture width to 640px ##
    ## - Make your own header picture ##
    ## ##
    ## ##

    I removed the link, because of google bot and lack of time.
    • CommentAuthoredwin
    • CommentTimeJun 21st 2010

    got this working, sort off, but keep getting the following message...

    Notice: Undefined variable: capt in /home/bookieb/public_html/gallery/plog-content/themes/Aramera lucid/picture.php on line 14

    Notice: Undefined variable: capt in /home/bookieb/public_html/gallery/plog-content/themes/Aramera lucid/picture.php on line 14

    I am trying to see if the settings above will help.
    • CommentAuthoredwin
    • CommentTimeJun 21st 2010
    also noticing this error

    The spam token could not be found in this theme. Please include the code <?php echo plogger_get_form_token(); ?> between the opening <form> tag and the closing </form> tag in the theme file plog-content/themes/Aramera lucid/comments.php
    • CommentAuthorHennu
    • CommentTimeJul 6th 2010
    Oh Hey,

    This is soo old ( 14.may 2009 :O )
    I haven't updated my gallery and nothing at all, and my server will die soon.

    It worked for me without errors, but it was 09 back then, that means an earlier version on plogger. ( at least I think so .. )
    You may want to try installing an earlier version of plogger, it could help.

    I really don't have any time to fix this theme, specially at the moment, sorry.
    But good luck with it.