Vanilla 1.1.10 is a product of Lussumo. More Information: Documentation, Community Support.
## ##
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## Lucid v. 0.2 ##
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## ##
## List of Removed things: ##
## ##
## - Removed Jump to menu ##
## - Removed Search box ##
## - Removed picutre name from the navigation ##
## and replaced it with album name and link ##
## - Removed picture name next to the normal ##
## picture ##
## - Removed date ##
## - Removed multible gray lines ##
## ##
## List of Changed things: ##
## ##
## - Changed footer text and moved it ##
## under the line ##
## - Changed thumbnail spaces hight/width ##
## - Changed the position of Next and ##
## Previous buttons ##
## - Changed the positon of slideshow link ##
## - Changed collection and album pictures ##
## now 2 pictures are in 1 line ##
## - Changed the gallery's width ##
## ##
## List of Added things: ##
## ##
## - Added my own slideshow icons ##
## - Added index link to gallery name ##
## - Added banner backgroundpicture ##
## - Added automatic thumbnail change with ##
## help from < sidtheduck > ##
## ##
## My recommendations: ##
## ##
## - Turn off picture comments ##
## - Change thumbnail width to 120px ##
## - Change normal picture width to 640px ##
## - Make your own header picture ##
## ##
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