Hello, I've searched every topic in this forum for help on this problem- when i click import plogger states "no images found in /uploads/ directory. I'm not uploading file names with dots or a bunch of extensions, just plain old "picture.jpg / picture.gif etc." . The upload function still works, just sucks uploading one file at a time. Any guidance would be appreciated! thanks shawn
I have had the same problem, very similiar, when FTp'ing a folder into the uploads folder, how ever mine does show the folder i ftp'd, but when clicking on the folder i wish to import from, nothing happens.
I would really love to get this working, seen some sites that look really cool with plogger, however I have encounter a few problems, such as after installing everying, and uploading a few photos, my site will not even open the index.php page. I can see the file in my FTP app, but my browser will not show anything, just a blanck page.
Any help will be much appriacited. Oh and i am on a mysql 5 and GD is enabled. Thanks Skully
Ok, i have done a fresh install, and created my collection, and album, then uploaded one '01.jpg! file, i can't view the site. tried clicking on the View tab, and nothing happens, very similiar to my previous post.
heres what i have done. I originally built the site, and now i am testing if plogger will be right for what i would like to do with the site, so i have placed all the files in http://www.optic-pro-photo.co.uk/photo/ and keeping all my testing within that directory, for testing purposes.
hmm, maybe thats the problem, does plogger need to be at the root of my url? will give it a go today.
Cause the moment as soon as i up load a photo (the single upload method) it places the pics in http://www.optic-pro-photo.co.uk/photo//images/wild_life_collection/african_safari/
however when clicking view or even trying to view the index.php page nothing shows, just a white page..
Please let me know what other information i can give you. thanks
edit: I have deleted that ablum now as it causes my plogger to give me a white screen, after deleting the album, i can once again view the http://www.optic-pro-photo.co.uk/photo/ page.
First, something does happen when I upload an image, though I don't see it. I get a white page, but reloading index.php gives me the collection/album I created. However, when I click on the image itself, I can't get to the "picture" level, or the large thumbs.
Skully, are you using the nightly or Beta 2? (I'm sure somebody observant could tell too, but it's late and I'm kinda dense.)
In fact, nothing, even the admin-side script, works when trying to read the large thumb. Anything and everything dies -- not a byte is returned. It's reasonable to assume the large thumb is seizing the program or throwing an exception. But, the small thumbs are working fine. Also, the full image is viewable here: http://www.optic-pro-photo.co.uk/photo/images/wild_life_collection/penguins/penguin_invasion.jpg
I haven't seen this behaviour in Beta 2. Did you edit the code at all? A bad edit can have very severe effects. Does the large thumb exist? Check /thumbs for at least two files (maybe 3 with RSS version). If one isn't there, it could be that something is hanging phpThumb on large thumbs. If we created a thumb manually, would it then work (narrowing the potential problems)? Also note, RSS large thumbnails are generating -- I checked.
Check for that thumb, if it's not being generated, I think we will have determined the problem. Wondering whether mySQL 5 might be a problem (make sure you have default values in your plogger_config table, and what version of PHP and GD you've got.
Regards, Derek
FYI: Yes, I uploaded photos because Skully emailed me with an account. There are no backdoors for Plogger devs hidden in the code. However, I prefer to discuss here to help other people, and because of all the smarter, better coders hiding about the forums, too. ;)
Thanks Derek for looking into this for me, much apprieciated.
I do not wish to take up any more of your time unneccesarily, so i will try a few more goes at it. if i don't come right, or if i do, i will let you know.
There are 2 thumb images in Thumbs, one with penguins and another with rss-penguins.
I have have not changed any settings or edited any code, it's just a straight install as per the instructions.
I D/l'ed Version Beta 2, and according to my test.php i put on my webhost they are running GD Version :bundled (2.0.28 compatible) with everything enabled. and they are running PHP Version 4.3.10
I will see if i can test it on a few other mysql databases i have. I will report back later on in the day(or night)
ok, since my last post, i have not touched a thing, edited no code, all I did was try another single upload, and looks like some magic little elves fixed something.
Everything is working like it should, evey page loads up, I can upload, FTP and everything.
Thanks Derek for your time and initially checking into this for me.
But as i said before i have touched nothing since my last post. interesting.
good day to all. SKully the happy plogger - all i need to do now is donate!!
Hi all, I get the same behavior as above with a blank screen showing when I try to upload a photo. The album is shown in the collection but as I try to open the album, a blank page is shown. I've tried uploading photos of different sizes and it seems small photos work well, and that larger photos (I tried 1.5MB) cause the problem.
Has anyone else experienced this behavior with large photos?