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    • CommentAuthorirwan
    • CommentTimeNov 29th 2008
    I managed to build my site very quickly thanks to Plogger.
    Easy to install, easy to use, easy to customize, good performance and so on...

    If you want to play around with it, it is

    You will be able to see my changelog at the bottom of the page:
    11/23/2008 : install and init with a rough integration of Plogger
    11/27/2008 : design 0.1, download, added index=album view by default, for each domain=slideshow by default, slideshow=thumbnails on the left, level picture=clean breadcrumb with date, previous/next together, SEO 0.1, Google Analytics and this changelog
    11/28/2008 : upload existing archive, date in slideshow, sortby date, sitemap.xml
    next steps : automate screenshots+upload+import, design 0.2, SEO 0.2, behaviours on mouseover.