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Vanilla 1.1.10 is a product of Lussumo. More Information: Documentation, Community Support.

    • CommentAuthorDanaldinho
    • CommentTimeOct 25th 2008
    What does this do?

    Because when you hover over a thumbnail in an album, it ruins the looks as you can see on this page:

    So I was wondering do we need it or can I delelte it?

    • CommentTimeOct 25th 2008
    The overlay displays the number of comments that particular image has. If there are no comments on an image, then the box doesn't appear.

    You can remove it by opening default/album.php and replacing all of the code in that file with the following:

    print '<div id="thumbnail_container">';
    if (plogger_has_pictures()) {
    print '<ul class="slides">';
    while(plogger_has_pictures()) {
    // display thumbnails within album
    // generate XHTML with thumbnail and link to picture view.
    $capt = plogger_get_picture_caption();
    $img_id = "thumb-".plogger_get_picture_id();
    $imgtag = '<img id="' . $img_id . '" class="photos" src="'.plogger_get_picture_thumb().'" title="'.$capt.'" alt="'.$capt.'" />';

    print '<li class="thumbnail"><div class="tag"><a href="' . plogger_get_picture_url() . '">' . $imgtag . "</a><br />";
    print plogger_download_checkbox(plogger_get_picture_id());
    print '</div></li>';
    print '</ul>';
    } else {
    print '<div id="no-pictures-msg">There are no pictures in this album.</div>';
    print '</div>';
    • CommentAuthorDanaldinho
    • CommentTimeOct 25th 2008
    Thanks mate, worked brilliant :)