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    • CommentAuthorPlebbi
    • CommentTimeNov 23rd 2005
    I put this code that derek did but its not working where should i put it exactly where in between in the script in plog-function or where :s.. its not precise enough :s.. cuz it doesnt show up even though ive put

    if ($thumb_config['filename_prefix'] != '') { // add only for large thumbs
    $phpThumb->fltr = array("wmi|images/m-icon.png|BR|50|5");

    but yet it wont appear on the photos :s..
    • CommentAuthorddejong
    • CommentTimeNov 23rd 2005
    Do you have the watermark in images/m-icon.png? It may sound silly, but that would be my first check. Then take out the if statement, and see if when there's no conditionality at all if the watermark is present. If it works then, you know our test is causing the problem but that watermarking works.

    Also check to see that it's around line 80, right after this:

    // set data
    $phpThumb->src = $source_file_name;
    $phpThumb->w = $thumb_config['size'];
    $phpThumb->q = $config['compression'];

    If that doesn't work, post again and we'll find a solution.

    • CommentAuthorPlebbi
    • CommentTimeNov 24th 2005
    ddejong it looks like this

    // set data
    $phpThumb->w = $thumb_config['size'];
    $phpThumb->q = $config['compression'];
    if ($thumb_config['filename_prefix'] != '') { // add only for large thumbs
    $phpThumb->fltr = array("wmi|gallery/images/m-icon.png|BR|50|5");

    and my web is

    and the gallery is on merithep/gallery

    and the images is on merithep/gallery/images

    so the code should be right i tested both gallery/imges/m-icon.png

    and also just images/m-icon.png but no progress :S
    • CommentAuthorPlebbi
    • CommentTimeNov 24th 2005

    • CommentAuthorddejong
    • CommentTimeNov 24th 2005
    Try replacing this:

    if ($thumb_config['filename_prefix'] != '') { // add only for large thumbs
    $phpThumb->fltr = array("wmi|images/m-icon.png|BR|50|5");

    With this:
    $phpThumb->fltr = array("wmi|images/m-icon.png");

    It will add the watermarks to everything; but start by making sure we know the watermark is in the right directory (the path should be relative to Plogger), and use the default values for corner, opacity and margin. Get this working first, then start adding the conditional statement and extra parameters to get it working how you want.

    If it still doesn't work, you can post again or email me and I'll try to help off-board.

    • CommentAuthorPlebbi
    • CommentTimeNov 24th 2005
    // set data
    $phpThumb->w = $thumb_config['size'];
    $phpThumb->q = $config['compression'];
    $phpThumb->fltr = array("wmi|images/m-icon.png");

    did it but still no appearing :s.. and i know its right folder i mean its

    gallery = plogger

    so this should be right :S... :/
    • CommentAuthorddejong
    • CommentTimeNov 24th 2005
    Make absolutely certain the watermark is in that folder remotely; if you're using something like Dreamweaver or NVu, you can confuse yourself with local and remote views. Then put it right in the main Plogger directory, with gallery.php. Then just use "m-icon.png" as the watermark path.

    Additionally, are you sure your server has GD2? It's very likely, but none of the filters in phpThumb work with GD1.

    • CommentAuthorPlebbi
    • CommentTimeNov 24th 2005 edited
    all i know is that the server is and it has

    GD / ImageMagick Software

    installed on it :/....

    btw: tried changing just to "m-icon.png" no "images/m-icon.png" in plog-function and changed the image destination still no progress :/... and from the looks of it GD is 2.0.*** Compatible something :/
    • CommentAuthorPlebbi
    • CommentTimeNov 24th 2005
    I did a phpinfo check and its like this

    GD Support enabled
    GD Version bundled (2.0.28 compatible)
    FreeType Support enabled
    FreeType Linkage with freetype
    GIF Read Support enabled
    GIF Create Support enabled
    JPG Support enabled
    PNG Support enabled
    WBMP Support enabled
    XBM Support enabled
    • CommentAuthorddejong
    • CommentTimeNov 24th 2005
    Hmm. I think it's time to email me off-list, Plebbi. I'm happy to help, but it looks like the solution might get a little more involved.

    • CommentAuthorddejong
    • CommentTimeNov 24th 2005
    Poor Plebbi. I'm really sorry, but this just occurred to me.

    When you create a thumbnail, Plogger stores a copy in /thumbs, so that every time you browse a gallery, it can use the thumbs from last time. There are some simple checks, that the size is still the right size and whatnot; if they're the same, it uses the cached thumbnail. I forgot to mention that when you change the watermarking, you have to delete all the thumbnails to force Plogger to recreate them. Then it will use the watermark in phpThumb when creating the new thumbnail. That's why it wasn't working -- phpThumb wasn't ever generating thumbs because they already existed.

    I think that should solve the problem. Just clean out /thumb.

    • CommentAuthorPlebbi
    • CommentTimeNov 25th 2005
    I erased /thumbs and used this coding
    // set data
    $phpThumb->w = $thumb_config['size'];
    $phpThumb->q = $config['compression'];
    $phpThumb->fltr = array("wmi|images/m-icon.png");
    and had the m-icon.png in images/m-icon.png

    and had to create all the thumbs again by viewing the images on the web and no WATERMARKING :/