Tried installing both the binary and the latest version with no success. When trying to install from here: I get this: Warning: require_once(E:\domains\y\\user\htdocs\new\photos/plog-includes/lib/gettext/streams.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in E:\domains\y\\user\htdocs\new\photos\plog-globals.php on line 28
Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'E:\domains\y\\user\htdocs\new\photos/plog-includes/lib/gettext/streams.php' (include_path='.;C:\php5\pear') in E:\domains\y\\user\htdocs\new\photos\plog-globals.php on line 28
HAs the file structure been messed up while unzipping? What can I do to avoid this?
Where are you unzipping this? I just tried downloading again and the gettext library was included (unzipped on Windows XP and Vista just fine). The error just means that you are missing the gettext library (which is Ploggers translation functions). Maybe they just didn't get uploaded fully?
I am on a mac OS X 10.4.11 - I uploaded everything I get when I unzip with "the unarchiver". Should I be installing from the plog_admin folder in the first place? There was no other_install.php elsewhere. I'll try on a PC (XP) and post here if I am sucessful, otherwise, what can I use to unzip the files without losing anything?
The _install.php should be fine. I'm wondering about the "plog-includes/lib/gettext/" folder. That seems to be where you are missing the translation files.
Im on a PC now, looking at the unzipped trunk folder, but there-s still no "lib" folder inside "plog-content". There is a "translation" folder that contains an index.php file. Is there another version I can download?
You need to look inside the plog-includes folder for the lib folder. Inside the lib folder you should find a folder called gettext. Please let us know if you find the lib folder in that structure.
Well you were right, I was missing the lib folder, so I uploaded it. Everything seemed to be going well until I logged in with the password assigned and tried to upload an image- I get this error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function gettext() in E:\domains\y\\user\htdocs\new\photos\plog-includes\lib\exifer1_7\exif.php on line 405
still something wrong with the gettext?
If I try and look at the gallery I get:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function plogger_stats_count_total_collections() in E:\domains\y\\user\htdocs\new\photos\plog-content\themes\default\footer.php on line 18
Do you know what I have done wrong?? Any help greatly appreciated.
It seems that you have some files from the beta3 install and some files from the updated SVN script. Exifer 1.7 was added in the updated SVN (1.5 was in the beta3) and the plogger_stats_count_total_collections function was added to the updated SVN as well. I would try a fresh install or a full re-upload of whichever version you would like to try (beta3 or SVN revision 586).