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    • CommentAuthorangelotus
    • CommentTimeOct 6th 2008

    I am installing the plogger script at (/gallery.php).

    I would like to have a block with the latest 5 uploaded pictures on my frontpage ( ).

    Is that possible?
    • CommentAuthorcordoval
    • CommentTimeOct 6th 2008
    sounds like just some php code recording the latest 5 uploads on either the database or a particular file and then just another module for reading and displaying those figures with a function.
    Try to break the problem into several. For instance, first worry about finding a module to display just 5 photographs and nothing else.

    • CommentTimeOct 6th 2008
    Hi angelotus -

    Please read this post - it will explain how to include the latest 5 images in your main website page.
    • CommentAuthorangelotus
    • CommentTimeOct 7th 2008
    Thanks for the comments!
    I copied past the code and it works fine, except for showing the pics. I get a little red cross, the picture is not shown (please see and look in the rightbar).
    The pics are linked correctly, but just not shown.

    code that shows and links the image:

    <code><a href="<?php echo "$siteurl"; ?>/index.php?level=picture&id=<?php echo "$id"; ?>"><img class="imgborder"

    src="http://www.yourdomain.tld/ploggerdirectory/thumbs/<? echo "$id"; ?>-<?php echo "$url"; ?>" border="0" /></a></code>
    • CommentAuthorangelotus
    • CommentTimeOct 7th 2008 edited
    -edit- solved the problem! Thanks for the tip!

    Last 2 questions:
    1. Sometimes I get this error: Could not execute query : SELECT * from plogger_pictures order by `id` DESC LIMIT 10.No database selected
    How to solve that one?

    2. Is there also a way to get the latest 5 comments?