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    • CommentAuthorfelixo
    • CommentTimeOct 5th 2008
    I spent about 45 minutes trying to nerf plogger code to simply generate a slideshow (using pictures from the plogger albums and the index.php linked below) but I essentially commented out a bunch of stuff and learned very little :)

    I don't want to nerf plogger so it is unusable, and furthermore I would like to regularly upgrade plogger. so that option is rather silly.

    So its clear Ill have to instead write something simple to call the proper functions to initialize the slideshow, without the header/footer/search etc (because the slideshow is going to be implemented in a "about me" page for a photographer). I am hoping you guys can point me in the right direction!

    Here is what is done, not showing the minimized theme:
    • CommentAuthorcordoval
    • CommentTimeOct 6th 2008
    This is a plain page, can you please be more specific? Also you can paste code here using the code button above under the commenting area.
    • CommentTimeOct 6th 2008

    In your linked code, do you get a slideshow effect, except that it has the header / footer / extra stuff / etc.? If so, I can help you set up a fairly simple switch that would allow the slideshow to work both on the main page and on the gallery slideshow page.

    Let us know.

    p.s. cordoval, the linked page is not just a standard page. There is code in there forcing the level, id, and mode of Plogger:
    $GLOBALS['plogger_level'] = 'album';
    $GLOBALS['plogger_id'] = 1;
    $GLOBALS['plogger_mode'] = 'slideshow';
    • CommentAuthorcordoval
    • CommentTimeOct 6th 2008 edited
    This is exactly what I was looking for because at first I wanted to always start at ?level=collection&id=2 of my gallery. However, I wonder if it was possible. Now I know it is possible, but once I click on the gallery the gallery will always show the ?level=collection&id=2 and not move on to other levels. So I guess I have to code the php of the glogals part to be dynamic? I mean to read the url and if this is clean then start on ?level=collection&id=2 by default, but in the case where it is not a clean url then go with that.

    I really wonder about your "switch". In my case it would be something like:

    if (url clean) {
    $GLOBALS['plogger_level'] = 'album';
    $GLOBALS['plogger_id'] = 1;
    $GLOBALS['plogger_mode'] = 'slideshow';
    } else {
    // just follow with the hard coded behavior of blogger

    Any ideas of how the code would look like when finished?

    • CommentAuthorcordoval
    • CommentTimeOct 6th 2008
    Here is the complete code that worked for me:
    if (!isset($_GET['level'])) {
    $GLOBALS['plogger_level'] = 'collection';
    $GLOBALS['plogger_id'] = 2;
    //$GLOBALS['plogger_mode'] = 'slideshow';
    } else {
    // just follow with the hard coded behavior of blogger