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    When i go into the options tab and change various fields i click 'update options' and this message appears:

    Unknown column 'lightbox' in 'field list'

    UPDATE `plogger_config` SET `truncate`='12', `feed_title`='Plogger Photo Feed', `feed_language`='en-us', `feed_num_entries`='15', `allow_dl`='0', `allow_comments`='0', `allow_print`='1', `default_sortby`='date', `default_sortdir`='ASC', `album_sortby`='id', `album_sortdir`='ASC', `collection_sortby`='id', `collection_sortdir`='ASC', `thumb_num`='56', `compression`='75', `admin_username`='admin', `admin_email`='', `date_format`='F j, Y', `use_mod_rewrite`='0', `square_thumbs`='0', `comments_notify`='0', `comments_moderate`='0', `gallery_url`='', `gallery_name`='Chamonix', `lightbox`='0', `thumb_nav_range`='0', `enable_thumb_nav`='0', `allow_fullpic`='1'

    In file: /plogger3b_lightbox/admin/plog-options.php

    On line: 65

    can anyone advise me on what to do?
    • CommentTimeSep 30th 2008
    The error is telling you that the database is missing the lightbox column in the plogger_config database table, so it is unable to save the options. The default Plogger install does not have a lightbox column in the plogger_config table.

    From the directory name, it seems you are using an altered version of Plogger rather than the release version from this website. Did you download this version from somewhere?
    yeah i downloaded it from

    Its plogger with lightbox built into it but obviously a problem with his code so maybe ill contact the creator. I have been using the release version which works fine but fancied modifying it with the lightbox feature.