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    • CommentTimeSep 26th 2008 edited
    I have translate Plogger (trunk-r586) in Albanian but it don't work.I have upload the .mo and .po files in the translations directory and add this line

    in the plog-config.php file.Ckick in My Gallery.
    If enyone may halp me?
    Thank's preliminarily,
    • CommentAuthorKleidi
    • CommentTimeNov 10th 2009
    Issa , normally it should be sq_AL ... (albanian: sq= shqip , AL= Albania. Keshtu e ka kodin gjuha shqipe. Une nuk e kam provuar por gjithsesi, do e provoj dhe te them.)
    • CommentAuthorKleidi
    • CommentTimeNov 10th 2009
    It didn't worked neither for me :(
    Any help ?