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    • CommentAuthorcrvernon
    • CommentTimeSep 22nd 2008
    I have a client who uses Plogger for her site. She apparently uploaded a new image to album 2 on Saturday, and ever since then, that album has been inaccessible.

    The images, however, are still there....

    What has happened here? How do I fix it?
    • CommentTimeSep 23rd 2008

    It looks like it's an issue with picture #113. Can you check out the SQL database for picture #113 and post what you find?
    • CommentAuthorcrvernon
    • CommentTimeSep 25th 2008
    Posted By: sidtheduckcrvernon,

    It looks like it's an issue with picture #113. Can you check out the SQL database for picture #113 and post what you find?

    Why do you suspect that it is 113?

    Anyhow, here are the values:

    sharon's_art/mixed_media/outwardbound.jpg, 2, 1, Outward Bound, 113, 2008-09-19 13:21:00, 2008-09-17 11:12:14, 2008:09:16 15:53:04, NIKON CORPORATION NIKON D2X, 1/5 sec, 50 mm, No Flash, f 8, 1

    (for these fields)
    path parent_album Ascending parent_collection caption id date_modified date_submitted EXIF_date_taken EXIF_camera EXIF_shutterspeed EXIF_focallength EXIF_flash EXIF_aperture allow_comments

    Thanks for your help!
    • CommentTimeSep 25th 2008
    Posted By: crvernonWhy do you suspect that it is 113?
    Well . . . first, you can't view that image -> and second, it seems to be the first image in the Mixed Media album and is causing an error which makes the whole album not show up.

    I do not know what the issue is, but it seems that outwardbound.jpg (#113) and the next picture img_0672.jpg (#114) are the same image. I would have your client delete 1 or both of these images and re-upload the image. There seems to be something with that image that is causing issues.
    Thankful People: crvernon
    • CommentAuthorcrvernon
    • CommentTimeSep 25th 2008
    Well, I just deleted that entry from the SQL database. it works. I wonder why 2 were created...