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    • CommentAuthorakinschris
    • CommentTimeSep 16th 2008
    Absolutely love Plogger and its features.

    I am having an issue, though, I didn't see addressed elsewhere and wanted to throw it out to see if anyone had any ideas.

    I installed Beta 3 and the password provided didn't function. I changed the password according the instructions on a previous post.

    Once logged in though I try to administer Plogger but everytime I click a menu time - "IMpot", "Manage", "Options", etc - I'm logged out.

    I installed Beta 3 and the SVN version and got the exact results.

    The site is at and I host with IPowerWeb.

    Any ideas? Thanks!
    • CommentTimeSep 16th 2008

    It sounds like a session issue (more likely a session.save_path issues). Check this post here.
    • CommentAuthorakinschris
    • CommentTimeSep 16th 2008
    Works beautifully!
