First of all, thank you for this great application: I have been hunting for something like this for a long time and could not find anything suitable until the Plogger. Great job!
Now, I have a slight problem with "Cruft-Free" URLs and Mod_rewrite while using Plogger installation for my gallery I checked the corresponding option in Plogger's "Option", and I can see .htaccess file being altered. I also made sure that Mod_rewrite is available. This "Cruft-Free URLs" mechanism seems to work fine on the first Collection but does not the second (click on "Graphics" Collections, you will get "Forbidden. You don't have permission to access /gallery/graphics/ on this server." error message).
I am stuck at this point because I do not see how those Collections are different. Here are the things I have tried:
1. Using the following directives for /gallery in httpd.conf
<Directory /path/to/my/gallery> AllowOverride None Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory>
and then, in .htaccess (I did not alter what Plogger has generated):
I think the problem is that /gallery/graphics/ is a real directory (it is where Plogger stores graphical image files for the UI), therefore mod_rewrite is not translating this "Virtual URL" into it's crufty counterpart, but instead trying to list a virtual directory of the graphics folder. Most servers prohibit virtual directory listings by default, hence the forbidden access message.
If you rename the collection to something else, I suspect your problem will dissapear. Alternatively, if the name "graphics" is absolutely vital, you could change the name of the actual "graphics" directory in the Plogger base install to something else, but you will then have the onus of changing all the paths within the Plogger PHP files to match the new path to the UI graphics.
Thanks alot, mike. Works like a charm... I am even kind of angry at myself for not realizing this. I was looking at that /graphics directory for ages and did not make that connection. I certainly appreciate your help.
P.S. I took a liberty and sent an e-mail with some suggestion to you and Ryan but I am not sure if you guys got it. I did not mean to invade your privacy - the message came out way too long for this forum. However, if you did not get it, I can resend. Please, let me know ( Thanks again :)
While we are on this subject, I have a suggestion: if you would prefix all plogger-related system files and directories, including gallery.php, with plogger- (just as you did for plogger-functions.php), the chance of running on to the problem like mine would be close to 0. In addition, the whole application source code will be easily recognizable and look consistent.