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    • CommentAuthorJoost
    • CommentTimeSep 11th 2008
    Dear dev,

    I've made 2 modifications to the source code:

    1) When edititing an album in the adminpanel where the category name contains a quote you get SQL errors because the category name has been SmartStripSlashes() for the rename, but after that it hasn't been addslashed() for the proceeding queries.

    2) I imported a lot of photo's containing valid EXIF information, but with a file-created-time of now() because they we're copied. The EXIF information contains the DateTaken field, so I've modified the add_picture() function to touch() the image file with EXIF's DateTaken when it is imported so that it gets to original timestamp again.

    Here are the modifications:

    joost:/var/www/ploggerb3/admin$ diff plog-admin-functions.php my-admin-functions.php
    > // [ joost: update the creation time of the image according to the exif ]
    > if (strtotime($exif['date_taken']) > 0) {
    > touch($final_fqfn, strtotime($exif['date_taken']));
    > }
    > // [ /joost ]
    > // joost
    > // because $source_collection_name has been 'SmartStripSlashed' the query in the while loop
    > // will have 'sql injection errors' when $source_collection_name contains a single quote '
    > // e.g. SET path = 'johns's fotos' WHERE id = '10';
    > $source_collection_name = mysql_real_escape_string($source_collection_name);
    > // end joost

    Best regards,