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    • CommentAuthorzetiti
    • CommentTimeNov 21st 2005
    In first, sorry for my bad english, i'm french, i hope what you'll understand me.

    I wish to use this script for a trilingual site. I installed Plogger
    with the root of the site and I want to integrate it in 3 different
    pages (for each language). But these pages are in various files... I
    The ways are not good any more, how then I to make?

    I visited the forum but I did not find discussion on this subject, if
    there is of them already one, thank you to indicate it to me and my
    excuses to have start a new discussion unnecessarily
    thank you for your help

    • CommentAuthorernie
    • CommentTimeNov 22nd 2005
    You might need to have 3 separate plogger installs (1 for each language).
    • CommentAuthorzetiti
    • CommentTimeNov 22nd 2005
    no other solution? Thanks Ernie
    • CommentTimeNov 22nd 2005
    Hi Titi,

    Actually, you can just do one install. Make three copies of the Plogger installation (all the files) and place each copy in it's own folder.

    Say.../plogger-fr, /plogger-en, /plogger-es for example.

    After you do one install, copy the "plog-config.php" file from the folder you installed from and paste it in the other two folders.

    Now, each copy of Plogger will be accessing the same database and you can change the language for each seperate installation.

    I honestly have no idea if this will work.
    • CommentTimeNov 22nd 2005
    Interesting idea ... Because if you can have three separate installations calling the same database, by the same token you should be able to have three different themes/skins going on.

    Hmmm. Well that's tomorrow evening taken care of ! ;-)
    • CommentAuthorzetiti
    • CommentTimeNov 23rd 2005
    I will test!
    thank you with all
    • CommentTimeNov 23rd 2005 edited
    I wonder if anyone can help me here, please?

    I've now got two Plogger installations on the one website, both pointing to the same database. The second installation is retrieving information from the original database perfectly, but I'm wondering if there's any way to make the second installation call the actual .jpg images from the first installation's directory on the server? Just so I don't have to keep duplicates of all my images.

    I'm taking a wild guess here that I need to modify the following lines in gallery.php:
    $output .= '
    <div id="picture-holder">
    <a accesskey="v" href="'.$config["baseurl"].'images/'.$row["path"].'">'.$imgtag.'</a>

    ... and change the "baseurl" bit so it points to an absolute path, the path to the directory the images are held in, in my original Plogger installation. I can't just put in "images/secondPloggerInstallation/" because the images are actually held in a level UP, not down.

    I don't have much of a clue about PHP, virtually none really, so I don't know if this is possible.

    Any advice would be hugely appreciated because I'm way out of my depth here!

    Kind regards,
    • CommentAuthorjaynice
    • CommentTimeNov 23rd 2005

    I too have 2 languages on my homepage and I can only get one going. The menusystem on my page is loaded via a header and footer file. This works perfect with only one language but I ran into trouble when I tried to fix two.

    So.. I did what you suggested, I copied the installed directory and created a new subfolder and called it /eng. But like Croila noticed, then you have to upload all your photos twice. Isn't there any possibility for the /eng folder to retrieve the photos from the original folder? I have been trying to solve this puzzle for a while and I really don't know what to do since I don' know much about php.

    Any help would be appreciated. =))

    • CommentAuthorddejong
    • CommentTimeNov 23rd 2005
    My suggestion is to use mod_rewrite, and when something requests /images/eng/ it is redirected (transparently) to /eng. If you can't do that (not running Apache or it won't work), then I would suggest dynamically editing the baseurl, but try the above first. It should be simple and exactly what you need.

    for resources.

    • CommentTimeNov 24th 2005
    Derek, many thanks for your advice, it's very kind of you. I'll look into this when I get home tonight. :-)
    • CommentAuthorjaynice
    • CommentTimeNov 24th 2005
    Thank you Derek. I really appreciate your advice. I'll look into it right away.. =)
    • CommentTimeNov 24th 2005
    Derek, sorry to bother you on this one, but this mod-rewrite stuff ... I've never looked at it in my life before. I don't run my own server, but rather have a hosting package with 1&1. Before I spend ages trying to figure out what the heck mod-rewrite actually IS, can you tell me if it's something that normally be done on commercial hosting package servers, or do you have to run your own server for it?

    I am TOTALLY ignorant about server stuff!!

    Many thanks,
    • CommentAuthorddejong
    • CommentTimeNov 24th 2005 edited
    mod_rewrite is an Apache module (if you give me a link to your server, I can tell you if they run Apache) that parses HTTP requests before they're interpreted by the HTTP server. So mod_rewrite can grab "/eng/images" and change it instead to "/images" before the information is retrieved. However, as far as the user agent (browser) is concerned, it is looking at "/eng/images". This means you can basically point to one directory from inside another.

    This is usually done inside .htaccess files. Open the .htaccess file in your main Plogger directory (it creates one already; this is what Plogger uses for cruft-free URLs).

    RewriteRule ^eng/images(.*) /images$1

    This will redirect "eng/images" to the higher "/images" directory.

    There is one caveat I hadn't considered; if you tried uploading images from the changed Plogger install, it might get angry that it can't actually put files in its own images directory. You would have to change plog-upload.php to have it figure that one out.

    Also, Mike knows his regular expressions and mod_rewrite better than I do, so if you could get a definitive statement from him, that would likely help too. But I do think the above should work, if your directories are set up like I envision they are.

    • CommentTimeNov 24th 2005
    Thank you ever so much for this - I'll have a go at it over the next couple of days or so. (I can't get the time right now, drat!) It's really kind of you to advise like this - much appreciated.
