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    • CommentAuthorjanowicz
    • CommentTimeSep 3rd 2008 edited

    Had a great gallery going on until i forwarded the site root to a new url on the server on request of my client, and all of the gallery images disappeared. The gallery itself loads fine but only shows the meta titles for the images but no actual thumbnails and so obviously no images.

    My first attempt to fix was to export a dump of the database and change the root url in the DB to the new url, and then re-import the DB in phpmyadmin, but got the following error:
    #1050 - Table 'plogger_albums' already exists

    I can see all the images and thumbs on the server via ftp so i guess it's a broken link somewhere in the DB.

    Can't log into the admin as the client has changed the login creds ... will get these in due course.

    Can anyone help?

    Thanks in advance
    • CommentTimeSep 3rd 2008
    Hi janowicz -

    You didn't need to export/reimport the database in order to change the gallery url. Here's the steps to change the gallery URL in the database:

    • Open phpMyAdmin in your browser.

    • Click on "plog_config" in the table list.

    • Click the "browse" tab at the top of the right hand frame.

    • There should be one record, click the "pencil" in the first column of the record table to edit that record.

    • Find the gallery_url field, and edit the contents to the new gallery url.

    • Save and then try bringing up the gallery in your browser again. It should work fine now.

    Let us know if you have any other issues.
    • CommentAuthorjanowicz
    • CommentTimeSep 3rd 2008 edited
    Thanks a million, works a treat! Thanks for replying so quickly.
    Have a great day