I've installed Plogger, and as soon as the login screen comes up, i try and login with the password and username give.....to no avail. it ALWAYS says invalid login.
I've tried reinstalling it Multiple times, but still.....invalid login.
the ONLY way i've found i can get in, is if i just put 'admin' as the username and no password, but as soon as i do that, if i click Anything, i get kicked out to the login page.
can you pleeeease help, it's sooooo frustrating.
thank you
the server is Ipower(.com) and the site is nettlessolar.com
i went into the database and re-did the password and username HASH. everything went ok. BUT. when i login, as soon as i click something, it kicks me out to the login page again??
i've seen i need to add sessions or someting with php.ini (which i cannot find)?? can someone please, PLEASE explain this in detail? this is the last thing, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr thank you!!
I believe it has to do with the session.save_path variable in php.ini, but I couldn't find anything on the nettlessolar.com site (seems like they don't have much of an online customer service area). To find out what is set for your server, create a new file named 'info.php' or something like that and add the following code (and only the code) below: <?php phpinfo(); ?>
Then navigate to the page and do a search on the page for "session.save_path" and read what is set up there. If there is nothing (which is default for PHP5), you can either attempt to change it yourself or talk to your webhost. To set it up yourself, open 'plog-globals.php', 'admin/index.php', and 'plog-captcha.php' (if you plan to use CAPTCHA for your comments). Find the instances of "session_start();" and edit the code to be like this in all those files: session_save_path('absolute/path/to/directory/on/your/system/that/has/write/privaleges/'); session_start();
The absolute path is usually something like 'home/usr/public_html' or 'home/usr/domain/yourdomain.com/public_html'. You should create a file as high up as you are allowed (a subfolder in the area when you first log in to your FTP account) to place this directory for storing session variables. Hopefully it's above the root web folder.
For example, on my site, my absolute path to the web root is "home/user/public_html/". When I log into my FTP, I am in the folder above "public_html". There I would create a folder called "phpsessions" or something and I would have to play with the folder permissions (since my site have safe_mode enabled). Then I would set my code as "session_save_path('home/user/phpsessions/');". Does that make sense?