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    • CommentAuthorVizard
    • CommentTimeAug 17th 2008
    Hello. I installed the recent SVN with success all functions seem to work for me. Except that I have problems with any translation I put in the translation folder. The pages are translated but I have this warnings on top of the page additionally:

    Notice: Undefined property: ORIGINALS in /mnt/web2/51/64/5878664/htdocs/galeri/plog-includes/lib/gettext/gettext.php on line 86

    Notice: Undefined property: TRANSLATIONS in /mnt/web2/51/64/5878664/htdocs/galeri/plog-includes/lib/gettext/gettext.php on line 97

    Warning: fread() [function.fread]: Length parameter must be greater than 0. in /mnt/web2/51/64/5878664/htdocs/galeri/plog-includes/lib/gettext/streams.php on line 107

    Maybe it is worth mentioning that no notices or warnings occur in default english installation, only if another languge is set in config. I don't know what this meens as I'm new to PHP. Maybe it is a bug or I've done someting wrong. Any suggestion how to get rid of this notices?
    • CommentTimeAug 17th 2008 edited
    Hi Vizard -

    The translations in the SVN repository were created for Plogger revision549 and back, and haven't been updated for the latest SVN version.

    To get rid of the warnings at the top of your gallery, open plog-globals.php and change line 10 from:


    That will suppress all error messages from appearing.

    Thanks for letting us know about these issues - we'll get them taken care of. :)
    • CommentAuthorVizard
    • CommentTimeAug 17th 2008
    Hello Kim,

    thank you for your quick help and for letting me know about SVN < 549.

    Have a nice Sunday :)
    • CommentTimeAug 17th 2008
    You're most welcome. :)

    Rev549 is the last version under the old structure, and contains most of the bug fixes for Plogger 3.0, the current package available for download on the website.

    You can continue to use the latest SVN version and it should work fine for you. We're still working on getting that version finalized (including updates to the third-party themes and the translations) and hope to release it sometime soon.

    Hope you have a great Sunday too!
    • CommentAuthorVizard
    • CommentTimeAug 17th 2008 edited
    Thank you for this info Kim,

    now I started to upload images into the upload/ dir. After thumbnails created, I click on the "Upload" buttom. It takes a while until a server error 500 occur saying:

    Internal Server Error
    The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

    I can see images in the gallery but not all. Do you think that this error could something to do with my provider and its limitations? It's untracable for me since I've no log access etc.

    Thank you again for your time ;)
    • CommentTimeAug 17th 2008
    It sounds like your hosting provider has set limitations on how many resources a php script can use.

    What size are the image files (each), and how many are you trying to upload at one time?
    • CommentAuthorVizard
    • CommentTimeAug 17th 2008
    My images are between 200 to 400 kbyte large.

    My first attempt was to upload 85 pictures at one. 84 succeeded.
    My second attempt was with 44 pictures. Only 8 succeeded.
    My third attempt was with 13. 11 succeeded.
    4th was 9 and all succeeded.

    It seems like my provider limits the recources depending on visitors at once, my guess. But I've "only" (don't know if this is that much) appr. 7000 visitors per day.

    Nevertheless i'll test this revision on our company server tommorrow. I'll post the results here if you wish.

    My second guess is that plog uses too much recources in a short interval. But I'll see what our server tops tomorrow to be sure.
    • CommentAuthorVizard
    • CommentTimeAug 18th 2008 edited
    Hi again.

    As you may have guessed right my provider restricts resources. I can only import 9 pictures at once (which is time-consuming with over 1000 pictures).

    But the thing is I used a commercial script by Adobe for my collections also with almost the features (especially converting images) plogger has on the same server without any errors, to reason my second guess.

    Nevertheless Plogger works great and you do a nice job.

    Maybe this info is useful for the future

    $ uname -a
    $ SunOS irexes 5.10 Generic_137111-02 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-V440
