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    • CommentAuthorPieperLy
    • CommentTimeAug 13th 2008 edited
    how can i use in beta3 the filenames and x comments under thumbs in albums exatly so, how in beta2. also i want delete the mouseover gimmick for display numbers of comments.
    how can i do so?

    thanks for your time.
    reagards from germany
    • CommentAuthorPieperLy
    • CommentTimeAug 16th 2008 edited
    okay, now it works...i have write in album.php:

    $filename = plogger_get_picture_filename();
    print '<span class="small"> '. $filename . ' </small>' ;

    • CommentTimeAug 18th 2008

    Did you add your own function named plogger_get_picture_filename(); ? I don't seem to see that function in any of the past Plogger versions nor in the new one. If so, would you mind posting your code for others?
    • CommentAuthorPieperLy
    • CommentTimeAug 18th 2008 edited
    oh sorry,

    i try many codes for solve the problem.

    add lines on plog-functions.php after:

    function plogger_get_picture_url() {
    $row = $GLOBALS["current_picture"];
    return generate_url("picture",$row["id"]);

    /*** here new lines

    function plogger_get_picture_filename() {
    return htmlspecialchars(SmartStripSlashes(basename($GLOBALS["current_picture"]["path"])));

    /*** end of new lines
    function plogger_get_picture_id() {
    $row = $GLOBALS["current_picture"];
    return $row["id"];

    then write code on album.php on default theme directory:

    $filename = plogger_get_picture_filename();
    print '<span class="small"> '. $filename . ' </span>' ;

    i've solved also the problem with filenames under picture-thumbs in album.php, but i can't solved the broken truncate function for filenames.
    long filenames destroys the site-design, truncate is a must-have.
    see my question:
    hope you understand my german english :-)

    • CommentTimeAug 19th 2008
    Posted By: PieperLyi've solved also the problem with filenames under picture-thumbs in album.php, but i can't solved the broken truncate function for filenames.
    long filenames destroys the site-design, truncate is a must-have.
    I just wanted to let other's know your solution as well as look at it myself to let you know how to edit it to truncate the name (I'll reply to your other post regarding that). Thanks again for sharing your solution!