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    • CommentAuthorVeloxi
    • CommentTimeJul 30th 2008
    Hey guys, how are ya? I'm writing because I just installed the 3.0 beta over an existing 2.x installation, and I'm having trouble uploading multiple images from the import screen. After clicking the import button, it seems to work for a few moments, then arrives at plog-import.php showing a blank, white screen. For some reason, only 2-3 images are thus imported into the gallery itself. I've set all the directories and files to 777, so I'm unsure what else could be causing this problem. Please help.
    • CommentAuthorVeloxi
    • CommentTimeJul 30th 2008
    K, apparently according to my host, "It looks like the script you are using is pushing your machine user over the resource limits we allow on shared hosting and as auch is being killed by our process watcher. Since the offending script is listed as "convert" (imagemagick), chances are the script is taking advantage of imagemagick's batch conversion utilities and this is simply much more
    resource intensive than we can allow."

    The previous version didn't have this problem, so how do I downgrade?
    • CommentTimeJul 30th 2008
    Veloxi -

    How many images are you trying to import at one time? Also, what is the filesize of each of the images?
    • CommentAuthorVeloxi
    • CommentTimeJul 31st 2008
    This has been on the order of 40-60 images, ranging from .8 to 1.3 MB in size apiece. Again, the previous version had no problem with these types of amounts of images.
    • CommentTimeJul 31st 2008

    There hasn't been that much that has changed between beta2 and beta3 regarding imports. Plogger beta2 used the same phpThumb class (and Imagemagick's batch conversion utilities) as beta3. Did your webhost just recently update the server to include Imagemagick? If so, phpThumb is now using Imagemagick to try to get around size limitations (instead of using GD library), but it causing more resources to be used and possibly maxing out the memory limit as well. Check with your webhost to see how long ago they installed Imagemagick. I'll look into how to disable Imagemagick from the phpThumb class.
    • CommentAuthorVeloxi
    • CommentTimeJul 31st 2008
    Sorry, I was talking about the 3.0 beta and the previous 2.x version I was using. If something could be done about this, I'd love it. Thank you.
    • CommentTimeAug 1st 2008 edited

    I'm talking about the same versions that you are as well. :D There really hasn't been that much of a change from beta 2.x to beta 3.0. I really think that somehow your server is now using the ImageMagick library to create the thumbnails instead of the GD library (ImageMagick is faster and can get around filesize limitations, but it also uses more resources and memory than GD, IIRC).

    So, if you want to try to force your server to use the GD library instead of the ImageMagick library, you can try the following. Open plog-functions.php and look for the generate_thumb() function (should be starting at about line 442). In that function you should find the following lines of code (should be about line 546):
    // set options (see phpThumb.config.php)
    // here you must preface each option with "config_"

    // Set error handling (optional)
    $phpThumb->config_error_die_on_error = false;

    add some code after that to make it look like this:
    // set options (see phpThumb.config.php)
    // here you must preface each option with "config_"

    // Set error handling (optional)
    $phpThumb->config_error_die_on_error = false;

    // disable ImageMagick
    $phpThumb->config_prefer_imagemagick = false;

    I think that should stop ImageMagick from trying to create the thumbnails and you may be able to get your imports to work. Try it out and let us know!
    • CommentAuthorVeloxi
    • CommentTimeAug 2nd 2008 edited
    Okay, I'm unsure what that did, but it took away all the thumbnails in the import screen and made the main gallery inaccessible since none of the collections showed up. It also still only imported one image at a time. Very confusing. Thank you for the attempt, and I look forward to more. :)
    • CommentTimeAug 3rd 2008
    hmmm . . . Do you have a link to your gallery?

    I've even tested that code on my site and it works just fine. I don't know why that would disable the thumbnails at all (especially if the thumbnails had already been previously created).
    • CommentAuthorVeloxi
    • CommentTimeAug 5th 2008
    I think we figured out the problem on our end. Many of the images were large, over a meg in size each. When they were shrunk down to a smaller, more manageable size, the problem seemed to go away. I'll test it myself and let you know if it happens again.