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    • CommentAuthoropec
    • CommentTimeJun 24th 2008
    I´m trying to et this fine thing working on my site. I already managed to get it workign an now I´m trying to implement it in my site.

    My question is how can I Remove the "Gallery Name" (the one which is located above the Picture path "Collections>>Plogger test collection >> Albumname >>") and the Search Dialog (I want to remove both , the Input BOx an the Search Button) located on the right side.

    I already tried to modify (I just deleted the DIV Tags for the searchbox and titel) head.php (located in themes/air/head.php). But it didn´t work.

    Is there already a German language Pack?

    Has anyone a idea how to solve my problems.

    Greetz from Germany.

    • CommentTimeJun 24th 2008
    Hi opec!
    I'm assuming you are using the "default / classic" theme for these items. If you are using a different theme, the code should be similar, but probably not exactly the same.

    Posted By: opecMy question is how can I Remove the "Gallery Name" (the one which is located above the Picture path "Collections>>Plogger test collection >> Albumname >>") . . .and the Search Dialog
    Open 'header.php' and find the following code: print '<div id="wrapper">
    <table id="header-table" width="100%"><tr><td>'.generate_header().
    '</td><td id="jump-search-container">'.generate_jump_menu() . generate_search_box().'</td></tr></table>';
    and change it to read: print '<div id="wrapper">
    <table id="header-table" width="100%"><tr><td>&nbsp;</td>
    <td id="jump-search-container">'.generate_jump_menu().'</td></tr></table>';

    Posted By: opecIs there already a German language Pack?
    First, you need to download the newer Plogger from the SVN (link here) in order to translate everything of the gallery (not just the admin portion). Then check here for instructions for setting up Plogger to be translated. And it looks like there is already a German translation file for download in the translations repository (although you are free to edit it if the translations need updating using the instructions linked above).

    That should do it! :D
    • CommentAuthorSethMace
    • CommentTimeSep 10th 2008 edited
    That works fine BUT it leaves annoying bits of code like this;
    '; ?>

    my code is currently this for latest plogger;

    print '<div id="gallery_wrapper">
    <table id="header-table" width="auto"><tr><td>'.generate_header().'</td>
    <td id="jump-search-container">'.generate_jump_menu().'</td></tr></table>';
    • CommentAuthorSethMace
    • CommentTimeSep 13th 2008
    Anyone have any advice for this?

    • CommentTimeSep 13th 2008
    Do you have a link? I think that maybe your header has a single quote in it ( ' ).
    • CommentAuthorSethMace
    • CommentTimeSep 14th 2008

    It's still a work in progress but maybe you can spot something im too n00bie to notice:)

    • CommentTimeSep 15th 2008
    I don't see any issue right off the bat from the HTML output. Is there a way you can email or post the entire 'header.php' file code?
    • CommentAuthorSethMace
    • CommentTimeSep 16th 2008
    Thanks for the support sid, here it is;


    print plogger_download_selected_form_start();
    // Output highest level container division
    print '<div id="gallery_wrapper">
    <table id="header-table" style="width:auto;"><tr><td>'.generate_header().'</td>
    <td id="jump-search-container">'.generate_jump_menu().'</td></tr></table>';

    print '<div id="main_container">
    <div id="breadcrumbs">
    <table width="auto">
    <td class="align-right">'.


    ' </td>

    • CommentTimeSep 16th 2008
    Okay, nothing seems to be there either. Weird.

    What are the first 5 lines of 'collections.php'?
    • CommentAuthorSethMace
    • CommentTimeSep 20th 2008 edited
    Apologies for the delayed response, here we go!

    print '<div id="thumbnail_container">';
    if (plogger_has_collections())
    print '<ul class="slides">';