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    • CommentAuthorkingco
    • CommentTimeNov 10th 2005

    I keep getting the admin system saying my .htaccess file is unwriteable please check the permissions...

    But I have tried having chmod set to 777, 755, every combination, none seem to work. Is it getting cached perhaps?

    Any ideas on what might be the issue. I use mod_rewrite quite regularly throughout the rest of my site, so I know the rewriting works on my domain...

    Thanks in advance!

    • CommentAuthorddejong
    • CommentTimeNov 11th 2005
    Are you CHMOD'ding the .htaccess file or the directory? If there isn't one, create one and CHMOD it. That might (however bizarrely) work.

    • CommentAuthorkingco
    • CommentTimeNov 11th 2005
    I have been chmoding the .htaccess file.

    So, you suggest creatine a directory and chmod the directory? Or chmod my www directory?