How can i get php pages when i click the image?.i know Plogger having the option for "mod-rewrite" but it create .jpg extension files dynamically when i click the image.i need to create .php extension files.... Please help me.
This has been fixed in the current SVN trunk, but it is a little bit in-depth to go over on the forums. You can download it here and test it out (although keep in mind that it may have some slight bugs as it is being worked on).
Are you talking about the final click (after the "picture" level going to the original image)? Do you want a .php or .html page instead of viewing the image by itself? If so, do you have a .php page in mind? I guess I don't quite understand completely what you are asking for. Do you have a link to show an example of what you mean?
I am asking the cutfree URL for HTML.When i click the image from some album i need to go to html page containing the Picture.Now its go to .jpg extension Page.