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    • CommentAuthordarl4real
    • CommentTimeMay 31st 2008
    I was looking for a gallery script and was told to take a look at Plogger
    and I love it... But i can't seem to get it integrated into my Drupal 6.2 theme.
    The fact is I want to have it embeded into my site so it can run like a pop up
    just like when you click view in the admin panel and also in my plogger admin
    is there a way I can restrict the menus my users can have access to when they
    try to upload images to their profiles, so they dont delete the albums.
    Anyone who already got it working in Drupal?
    • CommentAuthornvts
    • CommentTimeMay 31st 2008
    Yes and No,

    Plogger is a standalone gallery script. It can be intergrated into Drupal if you use a wrapper for Drupal.

    You can also have the admin section call the /admin functions of drupal to do the admin side of plogger.

    I am just finishing a user side for plogger to be able to have multiple users for different collections. You would have to add a drupal user then add a ploggers user or you could have a script do this right after you add a drupal user.

    You might be better getting a gallery plugin that has been intergrated to the user side of drupal or post in the drupal forum to see if anyone has done this already.

    Most CMS's use a wrapper to wrap that CMS around a standalone script. CMS's are great, but most of their plugins are not as good as the standalone scripts, like plogger and Vanilla which is the forum used here for instance.

    I hoped this helped.

    • CommentAuthordarl4real
    • CommentTimeMay 31st 2008 edited
    Yeah I aggree with you about the uniqueness of plogger thats why I chose to use it. I think I might just wait till you finish the work on the multi user side for plogger and Thanx for your suggestions on wrappers for Drupal.
