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    • CommentAuthorLsprout
    • CommentTimeMay 25th 2008
    I have a page at The slide show link goes to instead of
    The same thing happens on the links to the bigger pictures it takes the index.php out of the URL
    • CommentAuthorLsprout
    • CommentTimeMay 27th 2008
    I can't believe that I haven't had a response to the problem I posted. I can't use it the way it is. Right now the site is using JAlbum. It installed with no problems but doesn't have as good a user interface for editing and updating. They send out newsletters and I got one this morning about a new release so updating what I have working is one option. The other is to take Plogger out and reinstall it. We use Plogger on one of our other sites so it would be great to get it working.
    • CommentTimeMay 27th 2008 edited

    Your server should be set up that both of those URLs actually point to the same thing. Removing the 'index.php' should not cause any problems. For example, if you have an index.php file that is your home page and someone types your server should show the index.php without the user having to type the full address It's not doing that for some reason. However, it looks like you can try to set this on your server by having your webhost change the config or by using an .htaccess file.

    To use an .htaccess file, first check to see if there is already an .htaccess file in your root directory. If there is, add the code on new lines to the existing file. If not, create a new file in a text editor (Notepad works if you are on a PC) and add the following code:DirectoryIndex index.html index.php index.htm Then save the file as .htaccess and upload to your website's root directory. Basically all the code does is to tell your server to first look for an 'index.html' file, then if one isn't found to look for an 'index.php' file, and if that isn't found to finally look for an 'index.htm' file. I think right now your server is probably only looking for an 'index.html' file or an 'index.htm' file, but not an 'index.php' file.

    I hope that helps! :D
    • CommentAuthorLsprout
    • CommentTimeMay 27th 2008
    Now I can't get into page Do you think I'm going to have to take everything out and start over?
    • CommentTimeMay 27th 2008
    hmmm . . . I have no idea.

    You should erase out the lines from or delete the whole .htaccess file until we can find out what is going on. The DirectoryIndex should not have anything to do stopping an index.php file when linked directly to it. You may need to delete the .htaccess stuff and contact your webhost tech support and explain the situation to them. My guess is there is something causing the problem in the Apache config or in the PHP compile.
    • CommentAuthorLsprout
    • CommentTimeMay 28th 2008
    It's working. The last problem of not finding the page was simply a mix up with more than one person working on the site. As soon as I got the message about defaulting to index.php it fell into place. There was a index.htm that it was defaulting to. Took it out and everything is working. I know people use this forum to search for answers when they're having problems so I wanted to wrap it up with what I ended up doing. By the way Plogger2 doesn't default like this. We use it in another album.

    Thanks again for all the help
    • CommentTimeMay 28th 2008
    Great! Glad you got it cleared up. I'll also try to take a look at how the URLs are generated to make sure they are the same across the board (I haven't been around long enough to use Plogger 2, so I don't know the differences really that much).