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    • CommentTimeMay 23rd 2008 edited
    After downloading the SVN version (rev. 543), I finally found the time yesterday to get it installed. The install went smoothly - no glitches. Unlike the original beta package, I have not encountered any path errors (double slashes, missing slash, etc.) yet when browsing the gallery.

    Plogger is installed in a subdirectory, with WordPress installed in root. I've had none of the usual issues with having Plogger installed alongside WP. Clean URLs are enabled and working perfectly in both WP and Plogger.

    I created a page in WP that has the same URL as Plogger gallery - no glitches there either. I can browse the gallery with no 404 errors.

    The main issues that I've found so far are in the Admin section, and are detailed below.

    1. Importing images: Images are not being sorted properly (by filename ascending) in the import tab - they are displayed in random order after clicking the link for the Uploads folder.

    I applied the following fix at line 233 in the plog-import.php file to correct this:

    230| $albums = get_albums();
    231| $queue_func = "";
    232| $keys = array();
    233| sort($files); // inserted this code per this forum post:, post #11 by bjl6d

    I also inserted the following code in plog-admin-functions.php around line 30:

    28| // Finish off the function
    29| closedir($dir);
    30| sort($tmp); // inserted per this forum post:, post #6 by bjl6d
    31| return $tmp;

    Images displayed fine in the album with the sort values of filename/ascending, but they were not being imported in that order. This fix took care of that issue. These changes need to be committed to the SVN version.

    2. Managing images: Once again, the images are not being sorted properly (by filename ascending) in the manage tab either. I applied the following fix at line 324 in plog-manage.php:

    324| else if ($level == "pictures") {
    325| //$cond = "WHERE `parent_album` = '$id'"; // original code commented out
    326| $cond = "WHERE `parent_album` = '$_REQUEST[id]' ORDER BY `path`"; // inserted this code per this forum post:, post #4 by emitind

    That got the files to sort by filename/descending (highest to lowest), but I want them to sort ascending. I did some more research on the forum, and came up with another thread that I hoped would solve the problem ( - I tried adding your fix from post #2 in that thread; however, I ended up with the same issue as phAn in post #3 of the same thread - the images would start out descending for the first 7 images (65 down to 59), then switch to descending order from the highest numbered image (82) down to the bottom (66) to finish out the list. I removed that code and it's back to sorting images by filename/descending (82 down to 59) in the album. How can I get the images to sort ascending in an album in the manage tab?

    sidtheduck, you had already committed the other changes that phAn listed in his post (around lines 1261 and 1285 in function plog_album_manager) for sorting the albums to the SVN, so rev 543 already has those.

    The next test will be when I full embed Plogger into WordPress - that will probably be sometime over the weekend. I will let you know of any issues that I encounter with that.
    • CommentTimeMay 23rd 2008 edited
    Many thanks for testing this on your system, dhdesign! I can test all I want on my system, but it's nice to see how it works on others systems.

    Posted By: dhdesignI tried adding your fix from post #2 in that thread; however, I ended up with the same issue as phAn in post #3 of the same thread - the images would start out descending for the first 7 images (65 down to 59), then switch to descending order from the highest numbered image (82) down to the bottom (66) to finish out the list. I removed that code and it's back to sorting images by filename/descending (82 down to 59) in the album. How can I get the images to sort ascending in an album in the manage tab?
    Did you try phAn's suggestion from post #3?plogger_init_pictures(array(
    'type' => 'album',
    'value' => $id,
    'from' => $from,
    'limit' => $limit,
    'sortby' => 'id',
    'sortdir' => 'ASC'

    I'll wait to find out what else you can find and I'd be glad to add them to the SVN.
    • CommentTimeMay 23rd 2008
    I did try phAn's suggestion, but I only added the last line ('sortdir' => 'ASC') to the plogger_init_pictures array in 2 places. I didn't add the 'sortby' => 'id', that's what threw me off. I just made those changes again to plog-admin-functions.php, and the images now sort correctly (ascending) in the album in the manage tab. Thanks for pointing that out! Those changes will need to be added to the SVN as well.

    You are most welcome! I will definitely let you know of any more issues that I run across.

    I'd also like to talk with you about updating a couple of existing WordPress plugins that help integrate Plogger into WP. The plugins are both out of date, and I'd need to contact the original authors to verify that it's okay to continue on with the work they started, but I'd really like to get them up-to-date and functioning with the latest version of WordPress (2.5.1) and release them publicly, if possible. I've already done some preliminary work on one of them to get it working for myself, but there are a couple of issues that need resolved that I need some help with.

    Would it be possible for me to email you? If so, what address would you like me to use?
    • CommentTimeMay 23rd 2008
    Posted By: dhdesignI'd also like to talk with you about updating a couple of existing WordPress plugins that help integrate Plogger into WP. The plugins are both out of date, and I'd need to contact the original authors to verify that it's okay to continue on with the work they started, but I'd really like to get them up-to-date and functioning with the latest version of WordPress (2.5.1) and release them publicly, if possible. I've already done some preliminary work on one of them to get it working for myself, but there are a couple of issues that need resolved that I need some help with.

    Would it be possible for me to email you? If so, what address would you like me to use?
    Sure, I can take a look. My email's in my profile.

    Also, have you tried anti's Wordpress plugin? I haven't tried it, nor do I know if it works with 2.5.1, but it may be worth a shot. I am curious to see what other plugins you are using to integrate Plogger into Wordpress (again, I have not tested this at all :D ).
    • CommentTimeMay 23rd 2008
    I sent you an email about 5 minutes before you posted. Let me know if it came through or not.

    I'm currently working with the PloggerPress plugin, and that's what this email is about. I had also seen anti's plugin, and figured I would dive into that after I got this other one all fixed up. ;)

    I'd love to get both of them updated and working with the latest version of both Plogger and WP, and get them out there for people to use. There have been a few requests on the WP support forum about integrating Plogger with WP, so the interest is there.

    Thanks - I appreciate any help you can give me!
    • CommentTimeMay 23rd 2008
    Thanks. I got the email! I'll look into it and see what I can do! :D
    • CommentTimeJun 5th 2008
    All of your requests have been added to the SVN (revision 546) plus a bunch of other sorting stuff. Check it out and let me know what you think!