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    • CommentAuthorchrissie
    • CommentTimeNov 6th 2005 edited
    Hello.. I have integrated the plogger album script in my website.
    But if you click a ablum not every thumnail picture is displayed..
    (I have to click the button refresh page sometimes to see every thumbnail)
    I don't know what te problem could be.

    Can anyone help me out?
    here is my link:

    • CommentAuthorjack
    • CommentTimeNov 6th 2005
    Well, I've seen almost everyone of your family ;) but I didn't notice anything weird. I can see all the thumbs and everything seems to work ok.
    • CommentAuthorchrissie
    • CommentTimeNov 6th 2005
    That is weird.. because when i use the original installation of plogger (without having edited the index.php) it works fine. But when i use the edited version it does not show every thumbnail on my pc. So i really don't know what's wrong ..and why i have to refresh my page to see every thumbnail. :(
    • CommentTimeNov 6th 2005
    I've sometimes noticed this problem as well. It's strange because it happens randomly, and only in Internet Explorer. I think it is an IE bug because it never happens in Firefox.
    • CommentAuthorjack
    • CommentTimeNov 6th 2005
    ... and I was using Firefox ;) ...
    • CommentAuthorchrissie
    • CommentTimeNov 7th 2005
    I tested the website at my work ..and also see the same problem.
    But only with my album i see this problem, not with others using the plogger script..
    • CommentAuthorchrissie
    • CommentTimeNov 11th 2005
    i tested it repeatedly ..and also others who are using the internetbrowser have see the same problem. The thumnails are very short shown and then suddenly disapear.. sometime with a page (with 30 pictures) 1/4 thumbnails are not shown.. to bad, i liked this album so much, but i have to switch to another script that is more reliable :(
    • CommentAuthormicheal
    • CommentTimeDec 13th 2005
    Hello, I have the solution to your problem from Derek

    Edit the file: gallery.css in the directory (css)

    css/gallery.css, add this at the top:

    * html .thumbnail a:hover {
    height: 1px;

    If it doesn't work, try this:
    * html .slides li {
    height: 1px;

    The first lines worked great with mine album!
    Thanks to Derek de Jong!
    • CommentAuthorddejong
    • CommentTimeDec 13th 2005
    It's the IE "Peekaboo" bug, for enquiring minds:

    The solution is called the "Holly Hack" by Holly Burgevin. It triggers a property in IE known as "hasLayout" by giving it a height. Think of it as a block-level-block-level element. Why 1px? Because IE honors (contrary to spec) the contents over the container; so when you put in something 100px tall, IE stretches the containing box. (This can be controlled with the overflow property.) Nothing else does, which is why we use the star-hack (in IE, there's a mysterious root element ABOVE html, which, if you know the DOM, is contrary to spec -- HTML should be the granddaddy element). Nobody knows what to call it, but * -- the CSS wildcard -- does the trick. By adding the "* html" to the rule, all standards-compliant browsers (correctly) ignore it, while IE (before 7.0) applies it. Add up all of these IE failures, and you get the Holly Hack.
