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    • CommentTimeAug 27th 2008
    Did anyone found what is creating that irritating blank space on the end of captions and descriptions.
    I tried to use trim() function on all the output in plog-manage.php but that blank spaces are still there!!
    • CommentTimeAug 27th 2008

    Try this. Open plog-admin-functions.php and find a similar code in the functions update_collection_field(), update_album_field(), update_comment_field(), and update_picture_field():
    $value = mysql_real_escape_string($value);
    and change it to this:
    $value = mysql_real_escape_string(trim(SmartStripSlashes($value)));

    I think that should fix it for you.
    • CommentTimeAug 27th 2008
    I have already used the trim() function in all those functions but nothin changed.
    Maybe this blank space isn't generated in those functions...
    I spend some time yesterday to find out what is creating blank spaces but I didn't find anything :-)
    • CommentTimeAug 28th 2008

    Try the fixes from this patch. Just erase the code highlighted in red and add the code in green. The line numbers may or may not match up to what you have in your code as this is a patch for the SVN code (not the beta3 code).
    • CommentAuthordkmfirefly
    • CommentTimeApr 13th 2009 edited
    @sidtheduck: I made all the changes on the patch and the other changes you mentioned too and it has not worked in eliminating the blank spaces instead my album descriptions and collection descriptions are no longer displayed.
    • CommentTimeApr 13th 2009

    What browser are you using? I've also done some more edits to the current SVN code for Safari / Chrome users having issues with blank spaces. I'm pretty sure we have it all fixed now, but it's in a couple of different commits to the SVN so it would take a little bit to look all of them up.
    • CommentAuthordkmfirefly
    • CommentTimeApr 13th 2009 edited
    I am using chrome... let me know if its a browser issue. The plog-function portion in the patch I had to undo as what I have seems to be different than what is mentioned on the patch. I had replaced what I have with what was on the patch and it did not work and worse it no longer displayed the collection and album desc

    This is what I have in my plog-functions

    function plogger_get_picture_description() {
    return SmartStripSlashes($GLOBALS["current_picture"]["description"]);
    function plogger_get_collection_description() {
    return htmlspecialchars(SmartStripSlashes($GLOBALS["current_collection"]["description"]));

    function plogger_get_album_description() {
    return htmlspecialchars(SmartStripSlashes($GLOBALS["current_album"]["description"]));
    • CommentAuthordkmfirefly
    • CommentTimeApr 13th 2009 edited
    I checked it in firefox and the problem is resolved there and the blank space/square no longer is displayed. Thanks for the prompt reply.
    • CommentTimeApr 13th 2009

    Here is the change to the plog-admin/js/ajax_edit.js file to fix the chrome / safari issue
    • CommentAuthordkmfirefly
    • CommentTimeApr 13th 2009
    @sidtheduck: Thank you so much. It worked though it was a different change I had to make as the line of code that needed to be removed was not even there in my ajax_editing.js

    Here is what mine had
    function saveChanges(obj){
    var new_content = escape($F('_edit'));

    obj.innerHTML = '<img src="../graphics/loading.gif" alt="loading" height="32" width="32">';

    and I changed it to
    function saveChanges(obj){
    var new_content = encodeURIComponent($F('_edit'));

    obj.innerHTML = '<img src="../graphics/loading.gif" alt="loading" height="32" width="32">';

    and it worked. woohoo. Thanks once again.