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    • CommentAuthorgarael
    • CommentTimeDec 11th 2007
    New user here... very pleased with Plogger!! Thanks!

    I was searching here for a way to add transitions in a slideshow and found a solution by the same developer who wrote the slideshow.js script (in the main Plogger folder... the guy's site, and the fade-in example code I modified are here: To incorporate a transition you have to add 2 code snippets into the slideshow.php file in the theme folder for the theme you're using (or modify slideshow.php in each theme folder to apply the transitions to all themes). I modified the slideshow.php file in the default theme folder with a couple of simple insertions into the code. (The slideshow.php code in the other theme folders looks identical, so this should work in the 3 themes that come with the Plogger download). This works for both Firefox and IE. Slideshow.js is unchanged!

    Lines 17 & 18 of the unmodified slideshow.php read:


    This mod requires an additional line between the two. Starting at line 17, the following 3 lines should read:

    s.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Fade()";

    Around line 56, the javascript for the htm page is written. The section begins with this comment:

    // activate slideshow object using javascript block

    The original code has 12 lines of javascript (appended to the $output variable). The original lines are:

    $output .= '<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
    if (document.images)
    slides.textid = "picture_caption"; // optional
    slides.imagenameid = "image_name"; // optional

    Replace those with the following:

    $output .= '<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
    if (document.images)
    slides.textid = "picture_caption"; // optional
    slides.imagenameid = "image_name"; // optional

    var fadein_opacity = 0.04;
    var fadein_img = document.images.slideshow_image;
    function fadein(opacity) {
    if (typeof opacity != "undefined") { fadein_opacity = opacity; }
    if (fadein_opacity < 0.99 && fadein_img && &&
    typeof != "undefined") {

    fadein_opacity += .05; = fadein_opacity;
    setTimeout("fadein()", 50);
    slides.post_update_hook = function() { fadein(0.04); }

    That's it! Should work, if I haven't missed anything. For the record, I'm not a developer, I just a dabble with minor hacks, so please don't ask me to customize your code! I was hoping to find a mod/hack here to add in a fade transition and just managed to figure it out on my own. Hopefully others will find this useful.

    I suspect you can incorporate other DXImage effects than DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Fade(), but the coding to insert multiple different transitions is beyond me (and my needs). Check here if yer feeling adventurous:

    Cheers... Gary
    • CommentAuthorartboy11211
    • CommentTimeSep 13th 2008 edited
    Thanks, Gary! This works absolutely perfectly in Firefox only. The transitions do not appear in IE or Safari. I appreciate you making this available to everyone. It's a really nice enhancement.

    Does anyone suggest a modification that will actually work for IE & Safari?


    Plogger3 installed at: