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    • CommentAuthorjlw
    • CommentTimeOct 30th 2007 edited
    I had posted about this in a previous thread, and finally figured it out.

    The short answer for how to up the limit is:

    -- Open the file 'plog-functions.php' in a text editor

    -- Search for occurrences of the string '$limit = 20;' -- there should be two of them.

    -- Change the '20' to a higher number, but no higher than 100. The limit of 100 is hard-coded elsewhere, so you can't go above that without changing more stuff.

    In any case, you want to be prudent with this. I found that if you try to do a 100-picture slide show, it takes Plogger a REALLY long time to build it before the slides start playing -- so long that users might assume their computers had hung up and give upon it.

    So, I can understand why Mister Mike set a conservative 20-picture limit for slideshows. But if you want to push it higher, now you know how.

    NOTE -- I suspect that this change may also affect other functions that had been limited to 20, and that may or may not be what you want. So, PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK! Obviously, an easy precaution is to make a backup copy of the original 'plog-functions.php' file before you start dinking with it.
    • CommentAuthorthuemmi
    • CommentTimeJul 4th 2008
    On my plogger (3.0beta) the slideshow displays only 20 pictures. But in the plog-function.php i can see:
    // we shouldn't set a limit for the slideshow
    if( $GLOBALS["plogger_mode"] == 'slideshow')
    $lim = 0;
    $lim = $config["thumb_num"];

    what is wrong?
    • CommentAuthorsenyahnoj
    • CommentTimeJul 6th 2008 edited
    Try this (i.e. put an if clause around the LIMIT in function plogger_init_pictures()):

    Index: plog-functions.php
    --- plog-functions.php (revision 33)
    +++ plog-functions.php (working copy)
    @@ -1435,7 +1435,10 @@
    // again, this is needed because of the comment counting
    $sql .= ",p.`id` DESC ";

    - $sql .= " LIMIT ".$from.",".$limit;
    + if($_GET['mode'] != 'slideshow')
    + {
    + $sql .= " LIMIT ".$from.",".$limit;
    + }

    $result = run_query("SELECT p.*,
    UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`date_submitted`) AS `unix_date_submitted`,