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Vanilla 1.1.10 is a product of Lussumo. More Information: Documentation, Community Support.

    • CommentAuthorluka
    • CommentTimeOct 14th 2007

    Is there any documentationavailable to support the creation of themes? The available ones are nice but I'd like to be able to do my own one. I've searched but can't find anything on this subject. Can anyone point me in the right direction for this please or what I need to edit to do so? Thanks
    • CommentAuthorjammindice
    • CommentTimeOct 14th 2007
    what i would do if i was you would be to copy the default theme over to a different folder, then make the changes you would like. Starting from scratch would be good, but more work than it's worth.

    all the functions are pretty self explanitory then you could just add/remove whatever you wanted to, you could also look at the other themes and see what they've done to help you.
    • CommentAuthorardamis
    • CommentTimeOct 15th 2007 edited
    When I have some time, I intend to write up a 'how-to' that explains the essential functions and illustrates how to put together a theme.

    In the meantime, jammindice is right. We all first learn to write themes for unfamiliar software by playing with an existing theme. The default theme for Plogger, however, may appear a little more complicated than the Air theme - depending on how comfortable you are with PHP.

    If you get stuck with a specific problem, post it here and it'll typically be answered.

    Good luck,
    KASPER I downloaded your themes to test, some look like htey have potential, though there is a problem with most of them.

    without error reporting, there is jsut an unfinished screen, just below the collections, with error reporting turned on Iget this!!

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function plogger_download_selected_form_start() in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 24

    do you know why?
    I found that the new files, the plog-functions.php file did not have that function. so your functions are incomplete?
