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    • CommentAuthorixie01
    • CommentTimeAug 4th 2007
    I installed beta 3 plogger because it was the only one I saw for download. I hacked most of the bugs to suit my needs, but I can't find anywhere in the admin panel to enter photo details other than caption and description. No shutter speed, apeture, etc. I using the default theme. Can some clue me in as I need these features?
    • CommentAuthordime
    • CommentTimeAug 4th 2007
    I think that those data are in image file already. Newest cameras and phones can write it. Note that this is my personal opinion, it's better if authors can confirm it.
    • CommentAuthorixie01
    • CommentTimeAug 4th 2007 edited
    Thanks dime. Actually you are correct. This information is referred to as EXIF (Exchangeable Image File) data and is recorded in the image file by the camera. I was uploading some photos I took with an old digital camera - I guess about 8 years ago and apparently the camera didn't have EXIF capability. I'm not a camera buff so EXIF is new to me.

    Plogger is pretty decent and should have a bright future. I integrated it into a site a few days ago and it looks great. A client of mine saw it on the Spoleto Arts site ( and wanted it for their site. Beta 3 is still buggy but it serves my needs. I plan to post the bugs I found as soon as I get some time. Thanks again for your reply.