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    • CommentAuthorjmiller
    • CommentTimeJul 30th 2007
    I would like to create a Plogger gallery that includes a sidebar. Specifically, I want the sidebar to mimic the Collections page (i.e., dynamically display the image and title for each of my collections in a list fashion). Has anyone done this?

    I think I would need to:
    create a sidebar.php (based on the php used in collections.php)
    include the required css for the sidebar in the gallery.css.
    Could I just use something like <?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/sidebar.php'); ?> to call it in the collection.php and album.php?
    I expect I would need to modify the gallery.php so that it starts with the collection.php (not collections.php).

    Basically, I want to move all of the Collections.php functionality to a sidebar so that my list of collections is always visible as a menu.

    All help is appreciated!
    • CommentAuthorjmiller
    • CommentTimeJul 31st 2007
    OK - I STILL NEED HELP, but I HAVE been able to get this far:

    (Sidebar shows up just as expected. Will need to adjust css a bit, but that won't be a problem).
    Created sidebar.php
    Added the required css to the gallery.css
    Added the required function to the plog-functions.php (just followed the format for the plogger_get_footer() function and put the new function in the same area as the plogger_get_footer() function)
    Added this line to my collections.php page (only added it to one page for test - will add it to all when working): <?php plogger_get_sidebar(); ?>

    Could NOT get images, etc. for my collections to show up in sidebar:
    tried using the script from collections.php:
    <?php if (plogger_has_collections()) : ?> (only first line shown here)
    but only got: No collections yet (which is the results for the "else" part shown below)
    (<?php else : ?>
    <p>No collections yet</p>:

    Tried using the function: <?php plogger_list_categories(); ?> (provided and described in plog-functions.php) but got the following error:
    Warning: Missing argument 1 for plogger_list_categories() in /home/uucorpus/public_html/gallery/plog-functions.php on line 1181

    With this error, the link to each of my collections show up, but only one works correctly.

    Would really like to have images, etc. for my collections to show up in sidebar, but would be happy to just get links.

    Any ideas, suggestions appreciated!