Setting up Plogger has been almost completely painless. I just can't seem to get my sidebar to display where it should. It shows up beneath the gallery. I'd rather not unplace it like the other blogs using wordpress.
Is there some place in the gallery.php that the sidebar can be place. Header and footer are fine. So is everthing else. Sidebar looks like it should just now where it should.
Otherwise I'm sticking with Plogger. Easiest to integrate so-far.
I think the sidebar can always show up if you put your call for the gallery inside your normal content area of your site. So instead of the wordpress loop. The rest should be unchanged if you didn't remove the wordpress blog-header.php.
Still tinkering around with things. I am by no way a php coder, I can hack things here and there, but to start from scratch...forget it. Any way.
I've gotten my sidebar to show up on the right side (in moz 1.1/firefox, in IE it drops to the bottom, still on the right). It's getting pushed down slightly, I think from the gallery head.
The gallery rendering in moz/ie is nice, but firefox is making some inconsistant grid generation. 4 images in the first row, 2 on the right in the second, 4 in third and forth and 1 in the fifth. Ie and moz have 3 in each for 5 rows.
I've take one of my page templates and modified it to work ( sort of):
<?php require('../wp-blog-header.php'); require("gallery.php"); ?> <?php get_header(); ?> <div class="ncol"><!-- Begin of the narrow column --> <div class="post"><!-- Post Div--> <div class="entry">
</div><!-- End of post div--> </div> <div class="sidebar"><!-- If you want the full sidebar replace the following code with the get_sidebar(); function -->
<?php get_sidebar(); ?>
</div> <?php get_footer(); ?>
Can I just create a page within workpress and some code to put in the gallery_head and the gallery?
That would seem easy on the outside, but like I said,
Personally, in the template I created for Plogger, the <div class="post"><!-- Post Div--> <div class="entry"> are removed. So the gallery is right in the <content> div, which has a limited width (by pixels or left or right margin)
The gallery right now only works from within the plogger directory. So it's not a good idea to create a static page in wordpress and insert the plogger code there. Instead of the plogger index.php you must place your own modified index.php with the plogger code. So this file is in the plogger directory and not in the wordpress directory.
Hope I understood your comment correctly. By the way, your gallery looks ok here, and the sidebar is placed correctly I think. The fact that IE places the sidebar under the gallery might have something to do with the width of the gallery and the fact that IE calculates width+padding+border differently than firefox.
Thanks for the tip. Having take care of that, it looks about as good as I can get it right now. To me is seems as though the gallery_head is pushing down the sidebar some what, but I can live with it.
I notice that most of the blogs with right place sidebars just seem to take out the sidebar b/c it looks a little different that the rest of the site. Any way here is what I use for my index.php to get it to look like it does now.
<?php require('../wp-blog-header.php'); require("gallery.php"); ?> <?php get_header(); ?> <div class="ncol"><!-- Begin of the narrow column -->
The only thing I had to change other wise was the large thumbnail width I changed to 400px, at 500 the sidebar overlapped the large thumb in firefox and ie pushed the sidebar down below the image.