If you're using beta 2.1 i re-wrote it for anonymous upload capability (pretty well tested on my site now with >200 pics uploaded through it with no problems).
i'm working on making the changes to version 3 if you want i could take your email and let you know when i've gotten around to it. Been pretty busy but looks like next weekend (saturday) will be when i get around to finalizing and finish testing.
here's the link to the forum page for the 2.1 beta version if you wanna check it out and demo for yourself. Also i did a highslide js integration with this version (available seperately) if you're interested in some fancy eyecandy for your site.
p.s. Sorry i didn't read your question in it's entirety... The anonymous upload allows for people to upload pics but they can only suggest collection/album locations and in the admin you can change (if needed) the settings for the pic but you have to approve it before it's added. If you "pre created" the albums they would be able to upload pics into them.. Probably the way you want to go b/c you don't want someone just up and creating stuff... alot of bad people out there and your best intentions might just get snoballed into a big management headache.
i've got anonymous uploads working in beta 3 if you would like to check it out you can find all instructions to demo it live and if it's helpful to you then links to download and instructions on how to install.