Hey guys, in the admin you can select the width, but not the height, this makes life a lot easier for fitting plogger within my css site, but when there is a tall pic it screws it all up, has anyone come up with a way to set a height attribute as well as the width, so the larger thumbs are either x wide or if not y height limited? or is this going to be within the next release?
If you uncheck use square thumbnails and save it, "thumbnail width" changes to "thumbnail height". The heights have to be the same or else they won't align properly, this was part of the original design.
Add to Line 76 of plogger-functions.php: $phpThumb->h = $thumb_config['size'];
It will now also use the size for limiting the height ($h) of the thumbs, while keeping the aspect ratio ("maintaining proportions"). Don't forget to purge /thumbs.