When i upload a photo everything works fine and dandy at first.
No error messages or anything else suspect like that. However, when all seems to have worked it just stops and the dreaded "Page Cannot Be Displayed" error appears.
I have checked on here for bugs and fixed other problems which could have been the cause after reading this site. I've also checked all my server settings.
What is strange, is after the upload i go into "manage" and see that there (apparently) IS a photo in the album which i just uploaded to. When i click on the album to see the photo, again i get a "Page Cannot Be Displayed" error.
Edit/add: I also created a page to output the gallery. I followed the exact instructions as in the readme file (i have a good enough knowledge of html and PHP so don't think i got anything wrong here either) and again - Page Cannot Be Displayed.
I have also tried using the Import method to add files. Again i get the same error.