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Vanilla 1.1.10 is a product of Lussumo. More Information: Documentation, Community Support.

    • CommentAuthorInnerChild
    • CommentTimeMay 14th 2007
    I have just recently installed the app and it looks great minus one bug I seem to be having. Everything seems to be working minus the upload from the admin section. There is no error output other then a yellow triangle. It has been mentioned a few times but never addressed. I am running nothing local just on the web server that has mySQL 3.2, PHP 4.3.2, and GD 2.0. The server also runs a Plesk control panel (7.5) that I don't have admin access to ca get admin access.

    Any help would be great,


    • CommentAuthorricniven
    • CommentTimeSep 19th 2008 edited
    Make sure the folders of albums/collections that you've created in Plogger under /images have been set to 777 permissions. ... mine wasn't working because these folders weren't set to 777. I now have the /image folder set to 755 while the folder under that one (called all_dog_pics) is set to 777 and I can upload photos successfully. It's not a case of having the entire images directory set to 777 because then your photos wont even show, you need to have the folders that actually have your photos in set to 777.