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    • CommentTimeMay 11th 2007
    Hi all

    I?ve come across this bug were by i cannot get the second page generation to function, were by it comes back with a duff link (blank page), i have read this pervious post on the subject I know it has nothing to with the embedding of plogger but that its an actual bug with in plogger, how I know this is because if you do the same with a fresh install of plogger with no embedding or any alteration of the code, the same error re-occurs

    I know that a temporary fix was suggested by just setting the thumbnails to a higher amount which will fix it for the time being, but its not that great if you have hundreds of collections and the thumbnails all have to load up in one go, it?s also a drain on page loading and it doesn?t look that great if you have to scroll down through loads of collections, a solution was never mentioned In the pervious post, that?s why I?m starting this new one, if any one can help me with this, it would be much appreciated, thank you.

    Regards, Tony
    • CommentTimeMay 15th 2007
    right well no one has helped me out on this, and I?m sure I?m not the only who has this problem, but thankfully i worked out a way to bypass this problem and its pretty simple, so you?re having issues where by you cannot get the "page generation" to work at all you have to do is this, simply go into the plog-funtions.php look for line 272 (or around there) and you will see this:

    $last = substr($url,-1);
    if ($last == "/")
    //$url = substr($url,0,-1);
    $separator = "?";
    else {
    $separator = "&";

    Simply copy and paste this in replacement of it:

    $last = substr($url,-1);
    if ($last == "/")
    //$url = substr($url,0,-1);
    $separator = "?";
    else {
    $separator = "&";

    $separator = "?";

    As you can see I?ve simply added in $separator = "?"; at the bottom of the code, and by doing that it bypasses the current way, I have to say I think plogger Is a top notch image (CMS) but its absolutely riddled with bug?s and its been a real pain getting them ironed out in some case?s, I just hope that in the next release that, this bug and others are addressed, keep up the good work! And if anyone needs any help on this reply back to this.

    Regards, Tony
    • CommentTimeMay 16th 2007
    Hi all again

    It seems I have got It wrong still, as that I later found that although I could bypass the problem of having the page generation for the collections not to work, I now have found that It has a knock on affect on page generation on (layer2) as now in the album?s section, say if you have set the thumbnail limit to 10 and you have 13 pic?s in one album you then cant go to the second page to view the other 3 images

    But If I leave the code in its original state it works fine for (layer2), but then means, the page generation for collections does not work, so its like as if the whole of the ?function generate? is wrong as its like you cant get both of the page generation functions to work together with out one fix affecting the other

    If any one has a fix for the page_generation function please let me know:

    function generate_pagination($url, $current_page, $items_total, $items_on_page){
    $output = '';

    $num_pages = ceil($items_total / $items_on_page);

    // if adding arguments to mod_rewritten urls, then I need ? (question mark) before the arguments
    // otherwise I want &
    $last = substr($url,-1);
    if ($last == "/")
    //$url = substr($url,0,-1);
    $separator = "?";
    else {
    $separator = "&";

    $separator = "?";

    if ($num_pages > 1){

    if ($current_page > 1){
    $output .= ' <a accesskey="," href="'.$url.$separator.'page='.($current_page - 1).'">&laquo;</a> ';

    for ($i = 1; $i <= $num_pages; $i++){
    if ($i == $current_page){
    $output .= '<span class="page_link">['.$i.']</span>';
    $output .= '<a href="'.$url.$separator.'page='.$i.'" class="page_link">'.$i.'</a> ';

    if ($current_page != $num_pages){
    $output .= ' <a accesskey="." href="'.$url.$separator.'page='.($current_page + 1).'">&raquo;</a> ';

    return $output;

    Regards, Tony
    • CommentTimeJun 11th 2007 edited
    Hi all

    Right well I have finally worked out how to actually fix this bug and believe me it is something that needs to be be addressed in the next version, I just don?t understand why no one has noticed this or not tested out this feature before just letting it out to the public, but anyway I have found a work around that works.

    $last = substr($url,-1);
    if ($last == "/")
    //$url = substr($url,0,-1);
    $separator = "?";
    else {
    $separator = "&amp;";

    $separator = "?&";

    Regards, Tony
    • CommentAuthorMurdock
    • CommentTimeJun 19th 2007
    Hi all, Hi Toni,
    i just testing arround with the new Plogger 3 Version.
    I Found the same Code in the plog-funtions.php like you wrote it down here and changed it with your actually fix but it still not work for me.
    The Slideshow only sow me the first page and then repeats page 1 of the pic.
    Still didn't get it running to get the pics from Page 2 in the slideshow.

    anyone has an fix for that now ?

    • CommentTimeJun 19th 2007
    Hi Murdock

    the fix I have should work for you, just to clarify it is a fix for plogger 2.1 not version 3, also this is a fix only for page generation in a nutshell if you have more than 10 thumbnails per page set in the options and you go over that limit and then plogger creates another page right but it does not work in taking you to the next set of images, to be more specific if you have more than 10 collections the next page wont display, but will for album?s, in the previous posts I had fixed it for the collections but then it stopped working for the pictures in the albums, but I now have a fix that works for both page generation for collections & albums

    Btw, this is not a fix for the slideshow bug, there is a fix for that on another part of the forum, also I would strongly recommend you don?t use cut free url's

    So all have to do is, simply go into the plog-funtions.php look for line 272 (or around there) and you will see this:

    $last = substr($url,-1);
    if ($last == "/")
    //$url = substr($url,0,-1);
    $separator = "?";
    else {
    $separator = "&amp;";

    Simply copy and paste this in replacement of it:

    $last = substr($url,-1);
    if ($last == "/")
    //$url = substr($url,0,-1);
    $separator = "?";
    else {
    $separator = "&amp;";

    $separator = "?&";

    So there you have it really this is all you have to add in:

    $separator = "?&";

    this should work for you if it doesn?t then I cant help you, its worked on all the fresh copies I have on plogger, and when running the slide show it takes me through all of the images no problem but I have fixed the slide show bug as well from some code some one has posted on the forum just search for "slide show", so more than likely if you cant get it to work you have entered in the code wrong or you don?t fully understand.

    I hope this helps you

    Regards, Tony