finally, a gallery script that's manageable! i like everything so far. :)
anyway, how do you stop the larger thumbnail from generating? i modified my plogger layout and now i have no use for it. i'd like to stop plogger from generating these larger thumbnails because they're taking up space when i'm not even planning on using it. *are these the one shown on the rss feed?*
i really like the small thumbnail feature. however, can it generate a small thumbnail HEIGHT instead of width? the thumbnails can line up so much better horizontally. is there a way that i can modify this? thanx.
uh, so how do i turn it off? i'm not php literate and can only figure it out by trial and error. when i viewed the trac page, i have no idea what to do. and based from my understanding of that post, the intermediate feature is ON by default.. where do i turn it off? or that's not possible? thanx