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    I uploaded over 300 pictures successfully. Then, all of a sudden, I start getting this error when I try to upload multiple photos:
    Make sure to CHMOD 777 your newly created folders within the uploads directory or else Plogger cannot access them. Plogger cannot CHMOD the directory for you while PHP is in safe mode.

    But all folders are 777, I've made absolutely sure 5 times now!

    So I get annoyed and try to upload one lousy picture at a time. It still does not upload and the error that I get is simply a yellow triangle with a red exclamation point with no text after it whatsoever.

    I get the same thing in Firefox and IE7. It worked for over 2 hours and all of a sudden it refuses to work. I'm an Electrical Engineer and have used numerous programs and I seriously do not understand. I've signed in and out, deleted all references to the program in any form or fashion in my browsers, logged out of my FTP program and even restarted my computer. Nothing works, just the same thing over and over. I'm so confused and not only that, but I was in the middle of uploading my gallery while my site is live, so now users are probably going to wonder why only half the content they used to see is there now! Please please please help! Anyone!
    Never mind. My stupid webserver people changed the folder permissions back every time I changed them to 777 telling me it was "unsafe". They changed it to 755 and therefore nothing was working anymore. (The folders inside of the Images folder, not the uploads folder.) Why they changed it without asking me is... who knows. *shrug*
    • CommentTimeApr 18th 2007
    That is really random.
    • CommentTimeJun 28th 2007
    yeah that is abit strange
    • CommentAuthorricniven
    • CommentTimeSep 19th 2008 edited
    Make sure the folders of albums/collections that you've created in Plogger under /images have been set to 777 permissions. ... mine wasn't working because these folders weren't set to 777. I now have the /image folder set to 755 while the folder under that one (called all_dog_pics) is set to 777 and I can upload photos successfully. It's not a case of having the entire images directory set to 777 because then your photos wont even show, you need to have the folders that actually have your photos in set to 777.