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    • CommentAuthorgunny007
    • CommentTimeMar 27th 2007 edited
    My site is oftenly giving empty space instead of the gallery presents.
    please refer this screenshot

    Please advice me how to avoid this...

    Thanks in Advence.

    • CommentTimeMar 28th 2007
    Which browser are you using? The page I'm looking at looks fine (Firefox). Don't make me load up IE =]
    • CommentAuthorgunny007
    • CommentTimeMar 28th 2007
    This error is coming in IE 7. I have tested IE 6 and Firebox too. Not every time empty space is cmoing. It is coming oftenly. I have run this site in POWWEB hosting, I have esclated this issue to them lot of times. but there is no result. they are simply saying that they are unable to support third party programs like plogger. They are saying it is shared powerful cgi environment but, empty space and page not found error is keep coming in my site which is hosted with them.

    If you are look out my web site traffic <a href="">statistics </a> my site hit rate is drastically reducing from 2.5 lakhs hits per day to 1.5 lakhs hits per day.

    I have increased php.ini memeory as you advised in other post. But, there is no result. I love this script wonderful, it give all flexibility and I thought to donate considerable amount to plogger. But, last one month I have been struggling of losing of my site traffic...mainly because of this empty space issue.

    Could you suggest me how to avoid this error. Is it plogger error? or host error?. Sorry I am not expert in web and php.

    Any advice help is much appreciated.

    • CommentAuthorgunny007
    • CommentTimeApr 4th 2007

    There is no resolution for this problem...I have seen the same type of problem is posted by lot of persons (500 internal server error). What I explained above is the same type of problem...

    Great Plogger Program

    But If it gives the empty space and internal server error...what is the use of using this program in web site?....

    Anybody find the solution?....

    • CommentTimeApr 4th 2007
    Can you give me the steps to reproduce your error? I just browsed through the gallery in IE7 with no problems. Any specific URL or page where this happens? Does it happen randomly?
    • CommentAuthorgunny007
    • CommentTimeApr 5th 2007
    It is happening randomly...

    Here is the complete details....

    • CommentAuthorStupidRalph
    • CommentTimeMay 29th 2007 edited
    I think that I am having the same problem. I have noticed that it doesn't output the code (gives me the blank space) on only one of my galleries consistently. If I log in as an admin, and I try to view the pictures within the collection I get the 500 Internal Server error. Its weird how that only happens on one gallery. I even tried adding a new collection and moving the pictures into there but the same thing happens. So I imagine the problem is with the pictures getting the wrong permissions???

    P.S.- I was not able to add my screenshot and recieved the following warning.

    Some problems were encountered
    An error occured while creating a new attachment folder. Check your upload path permissions


    Here is my actual screenshot hosted on photobucket.

    P.S.S - I don't think it matters in this case but I'm using:

    Linux Fedora 4
    PHP 4.4
    MySQL 4.0.25 (I know, I know its my host)
    Firefox 1.5 (okay maybe this is my fault for not having 2.0)