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    • CommentAuthorGremi0
    • CommentTimeFeb 14th 2007 edited
    ok- i want to be able to have users upload to the albums. They should be able to pick the albums to add to, not create new albums, and also choose captions.

    i have made a temporary solution with a file upload applet that adds photos to the uploads folder and limits uploads to .gif, .jpg & .txt (.txt for caption info) Then i publish them manually. This is not idea but is working for me in the mean time... does anyone have a better solution? Email to -
    oh - check out what i did.
    • CommentTimeMar 1st 2007
    Nice.. but.. definitely NSFW =)
    • CommentAuthortwa
    • CommentTimeMar 2nd 2007
    i'll do it for a few bucks. ;)
    • CommentAuthorGremi0
    • CommentTimeMar 2nd 2007
    mike - im sorry - i dont know what you mean by NSFW

    twa - how much? and how long?
    • CommentAuthortwa
    • CommentTimeMar 2nd 2007 edited
    how long depends on your specifics.. such as authentication (login) and what-not .. i'll drop you a line.


    PS: NSFW=not safe for work
    • CommentAuthorGremi0
    • CommentTimeMar 2nd 2007
    why not safe for work?
    • CommentAuthorkreatyve
    • CommentTimeMay 11th 2008
    Can you please write all the steps you did to make this on our gallery?
    Great job!
    • CommentAuthornvts
    • CommentTimeMay 12th 2008
    I have completed a full user side for plogger. I will post if for FREE, since plogger is GNU. Mine works great. I am in the process of creating a install and documentation. I have been using this for oaver 2 weeks on my site.

    It allows admin to create a collection. Then assign a user, username and password for that collection. Admin still has full access to that collection.

    Then the user logins and is only shown and allowed to create albums under their collection only. They can add photos, edit titles and captions. It is exactly like the admin upload and manage, but for their collection only.

    I will post within a week with the finished module and documentation.

    • CommentAuthormanavtech
    • CommentTimeJun 27th 2008 edited
    Posted By: Gremi0ok- i want to be able to have users upload to the albums. They should be able to pick the albums to add to, not create new albums, and also choose captions.

    i have made a temporary solution with a file upload applet that adds photos to the uploads folder and limits uploads to .gif, .jpg & .txt (.txt for caption info) Then i publish them manually. This is not idea but is working for me in the mean time... does anyone have a better solution? Email to -
    oh - check out what i did.

    I got it working, thx!
    • CommentAuthornvts
    • CommentTimeJun 28th 2008
    Hello All,

    Mine is completed and documented now. I am on holidays at this time in Mexico. The code is on my development computer in Canada. I will be able to upload when I get back or even maybe before. I will post some screen shots of the modules that I added to Plogger admin and the User admin for adding to their own collections.

    It has been working great for over a month on my site with several different users.

    • CommentAuthormanavtech
    • CommentTimeJul 2nd 2008 edited
    It worked!
    • CommentAuthorKristyKay
    • CommentTimeJul 7th 2008
    nvts - when are you back from holiday? :) I'm interested in seeing what you put together.
    Nice work mate! :-D
    Is there any way to password protect the upload ?